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Fun mods to add more combat scenarios?


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Looking for some mods that generally add more fights in the wild. I love it when the Thalmor come to get me, and bandits and murderers and the rest of them, just as im casually exploring some forests and BANG a big ole' battle.


Anyone have some suggestions for me?


Thanks in advance!

Edited by soflegee
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The Second Great War. Can't beat it for all-out war if you love smashing Thalmor jerks over the head with a mace.




That one's actually my second-favorite battle mod. First place goes to Rigmor of Cyrodiil. More story-oriented, but includes several exciting battles. Not to mention pirates.




If you prefer smaller-scale fights, More Bandit Camps gives you plenty of bandit vermin to bash and rob.



Edited by DaedricBard
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This one comes to mind:

The Sinister Seven SSE https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/19178

It's an awesome mod that succeeds in making you feel hunted in a way that random, vanilla assassin/bandit encounters can't. The NPCs tracking you down will be around twice your level and use advanced tactics to win; the fights get harder with every assassin that you defeat. They are granted new spells, quirks, and other abilities reminiscent of other combat mods like Advanced Adversary Encounters.

And these too:

More Werewolves SE https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/7259
Beast Skeletons https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/517

I've heard complaints about Beast Skeletons having dirty edits or making changes to the races of the game that include text entries in a non-English language. Nothing game-breaking, but it could be annoying.

You could also check out Mihail's mods: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/37834630?tab=user+files

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Second the suggestion for anything with Mihail's name on it. My favorite is the goblin mod. Those nasty little goblins can appear anywhere and while they don't put up much of a fight they usually carry good loot.




Here's one more: The Last Refuge. It's mostly a city-building mod, but starts with an epic battle to take the castle you'll be subsequently customizing.



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