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Why so few endorsements?


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When browsing mod listings on the Nexus, download and endorsement counts are not very informative. A mod from 2013 might have 50,000 downloads while a much better mod from last month only has 500. Same deal with endorsements.


What does give a helpful indication is the ratio of downloads to endorsements. That (mostly) eliminates age bias, so that a recent mod with a 12% ratio scores better than an older mod with more downloads but only a 5% ratio.


Unfortunately, these ratios are not listed and have to be calculated by hand. Wouldn't it be nice if you could sort listings this way?



I'm a sucker for quest mods in particular. Flashy weapons are cool and all, but they don't actually give you anything new to do. So I've been keeping a list of quest mods for future reference, noting such things as when they were last updated, whether they are still being supported, reports of serious bugs -- and their endorsement-to-download ratios. It's been enlightening, but in an unexpected way: hardly anybody bothers to endorse mods!


For example, the highest ratio in my quest list is Rigmor of Cyrodiil -- at a mere 8.5%. Other examples of inexplicably low ratios: Legacy of the Dragonborn (8%), Vilja in Skyrim (8.3%), Beyond Reach (5.4%). One of my all-time faves, The Second Great War, scores a meager 4%. (These numbers might be slightly different today than when I jotted them down a couple months ago.)


Second observation: mods often get higher ratios on LE than on SE. Legacy of the Dragonborn, for example, scores 11% on oldrim but only 8% on SE. So now I check both versions for my list.



Why do you suppose players are so reluctant to endorse mods, and SE users even more so?



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Lazines, grab wat you can it is for free, uninterest to your fellow human.

Sorry, i am almost 60, but for me it seems to be the normal thing these days.

Even this website makes it easy with a from time to time a popup with a reminder to endorse some mods you have downloaded.

It can be so simple to make someone happy and many times it will cost you nothing except a friendly word, and still some people won't do that.

yes, I can't understand that too.

For me I intent to try to endorse every mod I once used. Even if I don't use it anymore.

It was work of someone who put a lot of effort in it, and even it seems after all it was not to be my thing, they deserve the credits.

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The vast majority of users don't care. They have the mod, and the only 'feedback' they ever decide to give is to complain when something goes wrong/doesn't work (usually due to user errors). Otherwise they can't be bothered to take 10 seconds out of their day to look at their download history and endorse (or refuse endorsements) to the mods they've downloaded. Admittedly, due to having to wait 15mins, some simply forget ('though not many), and just click away or deactivate the reminders.


As for the difference between LE and SE ratios...SE is a remaster of an old game. Many people had moved on from LE by the time SE came out, and a some were angry at the 'cash grab' (despite most getting it for free) and the constant updates for CC content. Never mind that it's much more stable and all the major mods have been ported, and some great mods are SE exclusive; they're not interested.

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Not endorsing a good mod is just a combination of laziness and selfishness, some just can't be bothered with it.
I never notice the ratio of D/L to endorsements in selecting mods. Some of the best mods I've found have few of each. I read the description, any sticky's, and some of the posts. Who the mod author is of course is also important.
As often as we're reminded to endorse mods we like, you'd think the ratio would be better.

Thank you to the many mod authors for sharing your work and imagination!

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Not endorsing a good mod is just a combination of laziness and selfishness...some just can't be bothered with it.
I never notice the ratio of D/L to endorsements in selecting mods. Some of the best mods I've found have few of each. I read the description, any sticky's, and some of the posts. Who the mod author is of course is also important.
As often as we're reminded to endorse mods we like, you'd think the ratio would be better.

Thank you to the many mod authors for sharing your work and imagination!

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I think there are only two mods I've downloaded that I haven't provided endorsements for so far. And that's because the one is still (afaik) pending a necessary update for 1.5.80 and the other is because I just haven't gotten around to using it yet.


It seems the very least one can do to show appreciation, but many just don't. idk why. (kinda like you tube videos. You'll watch one that has a count of over a million views and yet the thumbs count (votes) only number in the tens of thousands total (both up and down votes)

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