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What's your favorite music ?


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You've got Brompton Cocktail and Afterlife among the replacer songs right? :P


Beast and the Harlot (city of Evil)

Bat Contry ( city of evil)



Critical Acclaim



Almost Easy

and the odd linkin park songs as well

and dragonforce



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I don't really want to inserting a plug here but check this video of mine:



Battle Music CAN be PERFECTLY removed... ie. NO starting and stopping issue.


It seems to be a bug in the engine though and must therefore be 'activated' somehow. I tried to explain it here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10876


I would love for someone to confirm this 'hypothesis'.


Anyway the music I use is:


Project Divinity and Frozen Silence by the same artist. Google for 'project divinity' and it's the first result. The music of these two projects is lovely and fits perfectly into explore, public and some in dungeon. (Note: some people rename the files... You don't need to rename anything as long as it's an .mp3! I have around 30 tracks in each folder)


I also use Generic Dungeon Drones: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1879 Simply amazing dungeon music.


Edit: Oh yea, my death music is the death sound from Super Mario Bros. And at one point I had the 'success' music (the music that plays on leveling up) be sean connery: "YOU'RE THE MAN NOW DOG!".

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I don't really want to inserting a plug here but check this video of mine:



Battle Music CAN be PERFECTLY removed... ie. NO starting and stopping issue.


It seems to be a bug in the engine though and must therefore be 'activated' somehow. I tried to explain it here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10876


I would love for someone to confirm this 'hypothesis'.


Anyway the music I use is:


Project Divinity and Frozen Silence by the same artist. Google for 'project divinity' and it's the first result. The music of these two projects is lovely and fits perfectly into explore, public and some in dungeon. (Note: some people rename the files... You don't need to rename anything as long as it's an .mp3! I have around 30 tracks in each folder)


I also use Generic Dungeon Drones: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1879 Simply amazing dungeon music.


Edit: Oh yea, my death music is the death sound from Super Mario Bros. And at one point I had the 'success' music (the music that plays on leveling up) be sean connery: "YOU'RE THE MAN NOW DOG!".


Is the "generic dungeon drones" what's playing in your vid? Nice.

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Hey, I used to add metallica stuff in Oblivion, I <3 metallica but just found out that it didn't fit the theme of a fantasy world lol.


So i got this http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16532

and this http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16540


SO EPIC, now i listen to both metal and classical!!!

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Is the "generic dungeon drones" what's playing in your vid? Nice.


Yea, it is. It's got very eerie music.


Also, I've finally figured out the bug for perfect no battle music. I just need someone else to confirm it for me. I've updated my mod page with how it's done.

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I have add epic battle, explore, town... and Conan for the specials

I have add more the Battle and exploration than just those music. I have my personal taste in music, which is cyber goth/industrial/ebm, Death Metal, Hatecore, Viking Celtic Lore Metal.... really boils down to Synthetic Adrenaline Music








Turmion kätilöt


lords of acid

Suicide Commando


Amon Amarth

Dethklok Thunder horse



pride and fallen


just little taste what i like personally... so hard to chose

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ive got some awsome music but i cant find it

has anyone ecer played halo 3? well in the last part of the last level while you are driving a warthog some awsome music comes on.Its battle so some wont use it becuase its battle and they have turned it off but if you find it have a listen and post the link plz :biggrin:

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