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Pics or it didn't happen


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Sup sup everyone. I've been gone from the forums for awhile mainly because I was on... er vacation for lack of better terms. (I'll discuss it at a later time) So I got this new digital camera and I can now upload my photography to the internet. My old camera was film so I wasn't able to do that. I still don't have a photo manipulation program but one's comming soon. Now I pose this question to you; Would you guys like to see a picture of what Blacksnake89 really looks like? Also I'll give a kudo to anyone who can remember what my real name is. You'll need to post My first name, last name, and nickname. I'll make it easier for you my nick name is Van. Ok and.....go!
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Don't know (or really worry about) what your name is, but as an FYI, I get decent results on photo manipulation using just Paint.NET with the available filters for it. Photoshop and all the other Corel-type programs are all fine-&-good, but if all you want to do is get your personal snaps onto Flickr or such, Paint.NET is really all you need, and it's free.


Have fun with the camera!

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Sup sup everyone. I've been gone from the forums for awhile mainly because I was on... er vacation for lack of better terms.


Shudda let me know, and I cudda sent you some smokes....

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Sup sup everyone. I've been gone from the forums for awhile mainly because I was on... er vacation for lack of better terms.


Shudda let me know, and I cudda sent you some smokes....

I don't know what you thought I was refering to by "vacation for lack of better words" but I don't smoke either way. Appreciate the gesture either way though. What I meant by vacation is this. A few weeks ago I had a stress related mental break down, I got in my car and drove for 26 hours. I don't remember ant time in between my breakdown and when I "awoke" from it. The first thing I remember was waking up at a rest stop in Nevada. I was a 12 hour drive to my birth place in Arizona so I drove there and visited my tribe for a week. During that time I went on vision quest which is a right of passage to my people. So I basically had a nervous breakdown and drove to my birth place and became a man.


Now for those of you wrapping your minds around my question. My name is Devan Anton Gainer Van is short for my first name. The names I go by on the internet are Blacksnake89 or Dagg3r89, Blacksnake is far more common.


I've been at my Grandmothers for the last 3 days because of a family reunion so I don't have the picture but I'll get that up very soon. Thanks for the suggestions for the manipulation programs. Ah family reunions; for most people it's a thing of dread but for my family it's a time of celebration, joy, laughter, Alcoholism, and pie; or cake if it's your thing. Oh btw I'm the only Gainer in my family. My family on my mothers side has 3 different names Hempel, Scolls, orLefever but we mainly refer to the family as Hempel.

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