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Help! Load times taking forever


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For some reason, my load screens are taking forever. Note, my saves are very fast. Just my load times take between 2-3 minutes when they used to load withing 10 seconds.

I tried taking down my firewall and shutting down other programs and nothing sped it up. No, I am not recording or live streaming my gameplay. What should I do?

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I didn't mean post there, but rather follow the instructions in the OP.

You are most likely looking at a mod conflict problem, either caused mods overtaxing your memory capacity, mods improperly ordered or ones that do not play well together. To troubleshoot your mods, you can follow the procedure in Bben's troubleshooting guide.


It is also possible that if you have your fps limited to 30, this can also cause slow loads. Try raising it to 35.


Savegame bloat might also cause this, if you notice your saves have become extremely large, that could be it...that is usually also a mod problem so Bbens guide will also help there.


If you have played around with either your .ini files or your driver settings previous to this problem, you may have created the problem in that way, you could try reverting to your earlier settings.

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I have never messed with my settings.

The only mod that could have caused a conflict is one I had installed just before the problems occcured (I hadn't played months before, and idn't play before I installed it, so I don't know)

To disable a mod properly, should i get rid of all the items from it in my inventory, and then disable it?

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Read the instructions from the mod page for uninstallation and follow them exactly.

If there are none, you should be fine by deactivating and then deleting the mod. The items should disappear from your inventory. However, if these replaced other files (like they replaced the standard ebony armor or whatnot) you may need to verify your game cache to make the default armors reappear.

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Well, I deactivated the only mod that could have caused it and nothing.

The biggest mod I have is Riverhelm, could that have caused my save game to get extremely large? Should I try to load my other game (As a dremora) that I haven't even put a full hour jn to to see if that will load fine?


What could have caused this sudden drop of performance on the load screens?


EDIT: I tried loading the other game to no avail...still long....

I just have no idea what to do. If that mod didn't cause a conflict I can't imagine what could have caused this.

Could it be me not playing for a while? (Although i don't see how that could've done it.)

I just want my old load screens back :facepalm:

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The only thing i see is 'Verify Game Cache' in 'Basic Troubleshooting'

Would that help me at all? Other than that, I don't see anything that can help me :confused:


Well, I did that, and while the game runs 10x more awesome, loading screens still take long :(

Anything else in that guide I am missing that I can't see?

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