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Quest Start Triggerbox Not Working, Help Please?


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It's actually not even a quest per se, I just need to enable some additional dialogue after the player walks into a certain room. I had it working briefly, but then I ruined the plugin (and didn't have any old versions backed-up, oh no! fool!) and had to rebuild most of it...and now the second batch of dialogue no longer shows up in the game.


The triggerbox is working, according to the messagebox debugger attached to it -- but the dialogue quest that it is supposed to trigger is not.


This is the script I'm using:


Scriptname SSCSkoomaRoom extends ObjectReference

Quest Property DialogueSweetSpotChildSkooma Auto
Int RunOnce
Actor Property PlayerREF Auto

Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef)
If akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer() ;
If RunOnce == 0
Debug.MessageBox("Trigger worked")
RunOnce = 1


I don't have any conditions set on the quest to stop it running, I don't have it toggled as requiring an event to start (NONE), and my voice files are in the same folder as the other dialogue quest which is working, and have all been recorded/saved accordingly to make them active. And I'm at a loss.


Does anyone know how to properly enable a new quest to start based on a player entering a triggerbox? None of the tutorials I've been able to find have helped, either because they don't apply to what I'm trying to do or because I'm not experienced enough to figure out what they're telling me to do! Any help would be wonderful. The mod is this close to being finished...but I've hit a wall that I just can't get around. Help, please!

Edited by Tathrin
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This is the mod I'm working with, if that helps anyone figure out what I'm doing wrong:




(I decided the round of dialogue initiated by the triggerbox isn't actually crucial, so I uploaded it anyway. I would still like to get it working if I can though, so any suggestions are very much appreciated still! Thank you!)

Edited by Tathrin
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A couple tweaks to your script:



Scriptname SSCSkoomaRoom extends ObjectReference  

Quest Property DialogueSweetSpotChildSkooma Auto
Actor Property PlayerREF Auto
Int RunOnce = 0

Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef)
  If akActionRef == PlayerREF
    If RunOnce == 0
      Debug.MessageBox("Trigger worked")
      RunOnce = 1

1. You have a property for the player yet you were using Game.GetPlayer(). Replaced Game.GetPlayer() with the property variable.

2. Added the EndIfs and EndEvent. I'm guessing you probably cut them off by accident when copy / pasting.



Make sure you fill the properties other wise the script won't know what to work with and nothing will happen. Then test on a new game to make sure there is no lingering data in the save file blocking the recent changes. Also, since the quest contains dialogue you may need to ensure that you have built the SEQ files.

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