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Working on a Follower (Paladin)...


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And there's a set of armor that I have from another mod that I'd LOVE to add to him.


In the creation kit, I've successfully created said individual, with a generic set of armor, and placed him in Riverwood's Sleeping Giant Inn. He himself works fine.


However, I have NO idea how I'd include the armor from a mod in the same ESP as him. I've figured out how to create an outfit with said armor, but I don't know how to save it with the follower, nor how to set the armor's ESP as a master file for the follower.


Also, let's say... if I wanted to add a spell from another ESP, how would I go about that? I've downloaded Support Magic, and I figured it'd be great to have on a Paladin character, but, again, not sure how to go about that, NOR how I'd be able to package all of these things into one ESP.


Speaking on the same note, if I wanted to change the hair of an NPC to... say something from ApachiiSky Hair, would I need to create a new ESP for that follower as well, or simply load apachii and the skyrim ESM's in the CK, and add it from there?


Pretty dang new to this, as it kinda stemmed from me wanting to make a fellow Paladin follower to accompany mine.


Any help would be greatly appreciated. :O

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