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Mods like Jaxons Positioner


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I was looking to try this mod, https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/13090? but from what I can tell it seems to be a buggy port from the comments


If anyone can confirm if it's fine to use, or if it is unstable, or can provide me with other alternatives I'd be thankful.


If it's of any help, here's why I want it and what I intend/how I intend to use it, I'm a big fan of Legacy of the Dragonborn, but obviously there isn't a display for everything. I was hoping to take it upon myself to manually place things as if they were a display.


Only features I'd need is to be able to manually control the positioning and axis/tilting of items that can be dropped/picked up and be able to lock them into place upon being happy with my placement, so they don't despawn or get knocked around.

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I removed it around the time the 1.5.80 update came out, but I don't recall it being problematic when I had it. Came in useful for moving "fixed" furniture around, as well as for positioning a few items I placed from console. I think I just didn't have as much use for it as I thought I would or something.

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The SE port of Jaxonz Positioner (at least versions 1 and 2 that I've tested) worked. There are certain features that don't work exactly like the original and there are various warnings and error messages that can appear, but they aren't game breaking in any way. Jaxonz wrote her own DLL to support the orginal mod and also used some unwise programming techniques (that are fine in general programming, but terrible for Skyrim scripting for mods). The person who ported her mod has worked around those issues but the Positioner is very complex and simply working around problems can be difficult.


As for options I only know two of 2 mods that allow moving items around in the game. There were more for the original game but the others didn't get ported over.


Your choices are the port of Jaxonz Positioner or my Decorator Helper https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/11708. Decorator Helper serves the same basic purpose of moving items, but works using special spells because I wrote it specifically for the Special Edition before SKSE64 was available. If you've used Jaxonz Positioner (or my Storage Helpers mod for the original game) the the controls in Decorator Helper will seem strange at first, but I've actually come to prefer the new Decorator Helper way of moving things myself.

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