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Blockhead breaks animation replacers, advice?


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What are you using for the player formID (aka baseID) ... 00000007 (pretty sure I have the correct number of zeros)?


- Edit - So to add your run to just the player it will be Data\Meshes\Characters\_male\SpecialAnims\walkfastforward_BLKD_PERNPC_Oblivion.esm_00000007.kf


- Edit - Completely uninstall Womans Move (which means all ESPs and all files it added to the _male and SpecialAnims folders). Extract the Womans move files to a folder your create yourself. Rename copies of those files to conform to Blockhead's naming convention and folder location.


I have only used Blockhead's PerNPC for animation overrides myself so I can't say from my own experience whether/how PerRace animation overrides work (but if I were going to give them a try I wouldn't try to use Blockhead and Womans Move at the same time ... simply use the Womans Move animations as source material for Blockhead).

Edited by Striker879
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