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Ease of changing a PCs appearance mid-game?


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Well, it was before Dragon Age 2 more or less killed the franchise for me since i've played Origins. I spent months getting several characters through utterly different playthroughs, ready to import, until I was burnt out.


I feel though, that I may be able to play and enjoy another round of DA:O.


I have a paticular concept in mind. DA:O had many different fantays creatures, except the one i'm most interested in. Vampires. And in DA:O we have the perfect chance for the Player Character to become the 'first', at least for novelty of a single playthrough. Becoming a Reaver just gives 'normal' people a few nasty abilities, but none of the Dragon Cultists were Gray Wardens already. I think I can headcanon for a game that the combo of defiling andraste ashes, being a Gray Warden, and drinking dragons blood would be enough to create Thedas first blood sucker. It's close enough to the opening of Bram Stoker's Dracula, though as far as I recall you don't imbibe any of the corrupted ashes.


All of that is aside though. Its DOING it that is going to be a problem for me, as I have little skill at modding, even if I know my way around photoshop.


I want to choose a normal looking character, and only at the point of the ceremony where you drink the dragon blood do I want to change my characters appearance. Paler skin and red eyes.

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