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Amorous Adventures - Ysolda


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You can pick her lock if she just won't come out. (just do so relatively discretely) Alternately, try leaving the area for a ~week of game time and visit whiterun during mid day when she does her rounds at the market area and does her walks to the castle.


I don't recall if it's part of the mod, but I've done the quest three time s (twice on one character after a CTD), and as I recall, at least one time she was in public for delivery of the sap.

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I just started using this mod and recall having an issue with Annekke getting stuck in her house. I checked the walkthrough and it said to use the moveto command if that happens. You might do this with Ysolda. Check the mod page scroll down to ysolda's walkthrough link and it gives her ref ID to use. Hope it helps~!



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