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The pitfalls of Lore Friendly


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Also, since we're talking actual TES lore, even more strictly lore-wise the gods and daedric lords can manifest anything they can imagine as a real item. They're not strictly speaking limited to the existing daedric artefacts. In a sense, they're modders. If a daedric lord could imagine a blade made of pure light, and found it worth it in any way, even for a lark (I'm looking at you Sanguine;)) then yes, it is very lore conform that it could exist in Skyrim.


This is also not limited to existing Daedric lords. See, as actual in-game lore, Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarxes, Book Three. There are no less than 6 ways to achieve essentially god power by basically being enlightened on how the world works, and surviving it. One of the 5 is the Chim, which that book deals with, and which is, "the secret of how mortals become makers, and makers back to mortals".


Roll that around in your head: mortals CAN become makers.


In game lore even gives an example on a tremendous scale: Tiber Septim used Chim to basically terraform the whole of Cyrodiil from jungle to temperate.


So, yeah, that mod that makes Skyrim tropical? Totally justifiable with in-game lore.


But that's just one example. If you reach a fundamental understanding of how the world works, which isn't easy, but it's possible, you can be essentially a modder. Justified by in-game lore.


You want stormtrooper armours and lightsabers? Yeah, the chim could do that :tongue:

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Here is the thing: Imagine taking Harry Potter World and add Star Wars Stormtroopers and ATAT and and the battle from the Ice World HOTH.

... Be honest - would that work? IF we were honest, no ... it would not fit. Granted it would be " funny ", ( maybe ) .. but it would simply be " wrong ".


Or .. take GoT. Now add, Star War Stormtroopers, Klingons and Jean Luc Picard and Darth Vader.

Again, we might find it " funny " ... but if we were serious. NO, that would simply NOT work or belong. The story has it's own foundation and settings.


Imagine if Batman fought Superman. How stupid it would be. Oh, wait...


Imagine if the TARDIS or a Star Trek shuttle was added to a Fallout game. How lore-unfriendly would that be? Oh, wait... they did it. Or how about this one?


Strange, isn't it? When the developer/original author does it, it's all jelly and ice cream. When a modder follows suit, it's "lore breaking".


As for Stormtroopers in GoT, Westeros is on an unidentified planet in an unidentified galaxy which might be the same as the SW galaxy (that would explain the presence of magic in Westeros - it's the Force!).


Don't get me wrong, I do realize that everyone has a personal limit for these things. Folks who would be fine with spotting the TARDIS from Doctor Who in a setting that belongs to a different franchise might be up in arms against including e.g. the Autobots from Transformers. In the case of mods, one thing should always be remembered: nobody forces you to use them. You are powerless when the owner of the IP makes changes to their creation, changes that you personally despise. However, you have total control over the mods that appear in your game.

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I pondered answering this .... and thought I should NOT point out your error, but:



Imagine if Batman fought Superman. How stupid it would be. Oh, wait...



That is actually very much a part of the DC WORLD. Bat and Superman are very much a real part of the DC WORLD, JUSTICE LEAGUE.



Yes, the Man of Steel and Dark Knight are pals, but even the greatest of friends have falling outs. Here are five of the best fights between Superman and Batman from throughout their comic book history.

Here is a link: Batman -vs- Superman


I might suggest that you do some homework, before you post stuff like this. You need to check what is actually a serious part of the LORE -vs- .....




The B - v - S is very much LORE .... but then I'm old enough to remember these comics and such.

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And I'm saying that it's equally LORE, supported by hard in-game stuff, that if I wanted a lightsaber or anything else in Skyrim, I could:


- ask Meridia to make me a "sun beam blade" or such -- if you will, a SABRE made of LIGHT :tongue: -- so I can better smite undead in her name. Again, it's LORE that whatever a Daedric lord can imagine, they can force it to exist.


- publish the mod for Oblivion first, where my character BECAME Sheogorath. I.e., past that point anything I can possibly imagine, the lore says I can make real, because I literally BECAME a Daedric Lord. And, hey, who's to say that Sheogorath wouldn't get it into his crazy little head to bring it to Skyrim?


- pretend that I used the chim (or the other 5 ways to that effect) to achieve the power of creation in Skyrim itself. Again, it's LORE conform that mortals can get such powers if they become enlightened enough, and survive it. (It's very likely to be just destroyed instead.) And it can even go all the way to becoming an actual God, such as Tiber Septim did, and for that matter the Morrowind Tribunal did. It's all in the in-game books, so it's LORE. So there's nothing to stop me from imagining that my character gained that power


- use my mastery of conjuration to create that "bound sabre" I was talking about on the previous page. It wasn't just taking the piss. The LORE is that bound weapons are basically some poor daedra schmuck who gets pulled into Tamriel and forced to be a weapon for a while. There are no constraints in the lore for what shape that poor daedra can be forced into.


- use my mastery of conjuration to pull it from any parallel universe I can imagine. Since that's how conjuration works in that LORE. It doesn't create anything, it just pulls stuff through from other worlds.


- discover some previously unknown or lost combination at the Atronach Forge to summon such an item.


- use an Elder Scroll to pull such an item from a distant future. Yeah, it's kinda even central to the main story that Elder Scrolls can screw with time.


And a few other things.


The funny thing about TES lore is that actually Beth didn't just decide to give us a Creation Kit at some point, they actually went and made the in-game lore for why that kind of thing is totally ok.

Edited by Moraelin
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Bottom Line: It's your game - you play it the way you want that brings you the most fun. :cool:


My point was, some like the " lore " / " flavor " of games to stay within the foundation of the storyline. Lore is important to some and obviously not as important to others. Which is fine.


I only ask that you use some rational - as I noticed you totally avoided my B-vs-S, in showing that was indeed " lore ".


Also understand that some like the " restrictions " - lore - because it allows them to live - play and such in the world that was created. Like you can play the game with any and all mods that you wish.

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Because I don't give a flip about batman or superman myself? :tongue:


... and yet you used it to try to " prove " your " point ". :huh:


Okay, well .. time to move on.


Enjoy your game fellow Dovahkiin, enjoy! :cool:

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I pondered answering this .... and thought I should NOT point out your error, but:



Imagine if Batman fought Superman. How stupid it would be. Oh, wait...



That is actually very much a part of the DC WORLD. Bat and Superman are very much a real part of the DC WORLD, JUSTICE LEAGUE.



Yes, the Man of Steel and Dark Knight are pals, but even the greatest of friends have falling outs. Here are five of the best fights between Superman and Batman from throughout their comic book history.


Here is a link: Batman -vs- Superman


I might suggest that you do some homework, before you post stuff like this. You need to check what is actually a serious part of the LORE -vs- .....




The B - v - S is very much LORE .... but then I'm old enough to remember these comics and such.


That went nicely over your head.

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I pondered answering this .... and thought I should NOT point out your error, but:



Imagine if Batman fought Superman. How stupid it would be. Oh, wait...



That is actually very much a part of the DC WORLD. Bat and Superman are very much a real part of the DC WORLD, JUSTICE LEAGUE.



Yes, the Man of Steel and Dark Knight are pals, but even the greatest of friends have falling outs. Here are five of the best fights between Superman and Batman from throughout their comic book history.


Here is a link: Batman -vs- Superman


I might suggest that you do some homework, before you post stuff like this. You need to check what is actually a serious part of the LORE -vs- .....




The B - v - S is very much LORE .... but then I'm old enough to remember these comics and such.


That went nicely over your head.



No ... but it certainly did go over your's ... ;)


Have a great week ....

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