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The pitfalls of Lore Friendly


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Jjb54, best wishes on the outcome of your cancer therapy.


Thank you ... I just got hit w/another high cancer chance of Thyroid ... on top of dealing w/the prostate cancer.


My fav quote is: This getting old is getting old. ;)

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It's because I want skyrim to stay, well, skyrim. I want the content I put in my game to feel like the content that Bethesda could've put in themselves. I don't care for other people's reasoning that tamriel could be in the star wars universe which is why it would be lore-friendly to have lightsabers. The universe is called Aurbis, not the outer rim or star wars galaxy. It's just a lame excuse to put star wars crap into skyrim and why I don't care for mods that don't adhere to high-fantasy medieval europe which is technically what skyrim is. Are there dark elves, high elves, or wood elves in star wars? Nope and have no place there. If I want star wars in my game I'll play a star wars game. Are there guns in skyrim? You could argue that well we don't truly know what the dwemer have created. They could've designed guns for all we know somewhere. Well, if they did design guns why are they not built into their automatons hmm? Where are the books indicating a dwemer scholar fighting dwemer automatons with guns? You would think that after all the centuries passing since nerevar someone would've found some kind of evidence. No, the centurions have crossbows don't they? Not gunpowder operated weaponry which very well indicates the dwemer probably don't have 17th century weapons. If I want that I'll go play that assassin's creed pirate game or greedfall.


That's why I keep my game lore-friendly: because I'm playing skyrim and not some other game. But to each their own. It's not for me to judge what they put in their game. It's simply our choice in the end and the argument is technically pointless. I can have a reasonable discussion with another individual who puts lore-unfriendly stuff into their game but I won't care to try it myself. If that person chooses to wrongly criticize me for sticking to what I 'know' is lore-friendly well, they can go back to their lore-unfriendly crap game.

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