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Vendor 'Barter' dialogue?


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Hey all,


I'm trying to make an NPC who has a custom voice, a merchant. However, I don't know where to add the 'Barter' dialogue. I've looked under 'Service' but all I can find is 'Barter exit'. I can't see any 'Trade' or 'Barter enter' etc.


So where do I put his dialogue? I need to find out where it goes otherwise if he has a custom voice and no barter dialogue he doesn't seem to be vendor-ing at all in game.


Cheers in advance!

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  • 8 months later...

I can't believe we're the only 2 people trying to get this to work.


I've been searching for more than a year now...


The only way I've managed to make it work is to create s imple dialogue line in "dialogue views" (in a quest) and then, copy paste the code from a vanilla vendor which goes as follows:


Get In Faction Jobmerchant faction
begin: ;WARNING: Unable to load fragment source from function Fragment_1 in script TIF__XXXXXXXX
;Source NOT loaded
end: akSpeaker.ShowBarterMenu()


My big problem is that it creates a new script everytime I type in a vendor line.

I wish I could create only one script that does the same thing for all vendorws with custom voices... but I can''t find any info on that.

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  • 2 months later...

I was looking into the same issue. I tried to plow thru some of the factions for a clue, but I guess it must be some already existing dialogue under quests in the CK that we could be using as a base, but I can't find which one it is...

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The quest which displays the dialogue is "DialogueGeneric" so open it up. Go to the Player Dialogue tab and click on "ServicesBranch". This is where you would need to add your custom merchant dialogue by creating a new entry. You will need to go to one of the other entries that is for the same type of merchant and right click in the conditions and choose to copy all conditions and then go to your one and paste but since yours is unique you will want it to be specific to your actor so add a new GetIsID condition to check that it is your new NPC or you could use GetIsVoiceType. As you can see for each entry it is just a simple akSpeaker.ShowBarterMenu() used in each script end fragment so add that and compile and obviously add your recorded line as you normally would. Also make sure that your NPC is in the factions that are being checked in the conditions or you could probably remove the faction check conditions altogether since it is using GetIsID or a similar check.

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  • 2 months later...

So iit should work if you only type in akSpeaker.ShowBarterMenu() in the "script box (in the same page as the conditions, etc)?

But this way, won't the CK create a new script for each Trade Line?? which would result in for example 6 scripts for 3 merchants with 2 lines each?


Or do we need to create a new script, then type in only akSpeaker.ShowBarterMenu() so we can use thereafter the same script for al the merchants?

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I was just saying how it is set up in the CK already. For each line added there is a new script beginning with "TIF_" and ending in some random number generated from the script fragment so each line seems to use a different script for the exact same thing.Why Bethesda didn't just use a single script I don't know but making one script and re-using it for each line to save on the number of custom scripts might work I haven't really tested. The way they have done it though is just copied akSpeaker.ShowBarterMenu() into each of the script fragment end boxes and hit compile which will work just fine.

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All right, thanks, but isnt there a risk that other mods might use scripts with the same names? Isn't there a way to rename those scripts to avoid this?


From my experience, the less scripts you have (especially from mods), the better - or am i wrong?


I'll try making one single script, and let you guys know about it...

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