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Godrays have a dark line in the center of the screen where it doesn't render


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I just recently got back into Skyrim SE and I just shut the Godrays off in the past because of this problem. I figured by now there would be a lot a post about it that I can google up but I found nothing. When using Godrays, there's a line in the center of the screen where the Godrays aren't showing up which cause a dark line in the center of the screen:


It's frustrating that this feature exists and I'm not able to use it. My specs:

  • Processor: Intel® Core i3-4170 CPU @ 3.70 GHz
  • Ram: 8GB (7.81GB Usable)
  • Graphics Card: Intel® HD Graphics 4400

I've been able to get my Skyrim SE to run smoothly with BethINI, but I can't solve this Godray problem.

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Likely your card is not able to deal with Godrays, at the resolution you have it set at?


Try turning the resolution down to a lower rez. IE: 800 x 600 ( or whatever works best ).


I've seen this and it's usually ( 90 % ) of the time, the Video Card at a given higher Rez is not able to handle it.


* Also, if you should have any ENB's or other Graphic Enhancer Mods, you might want to see if those are creating the issue as well?

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Likely your card is not able to deal with Godrays, at the resolution you have it set at?


Try turning the resolution down to a lower rez. IE: 800 x 600 ( or whatever works best ).


I've seen this and it's usually ( 90 % ) of the time, the Video Card at a given higher Rez is not able to handle it.


* Also, if you should have any ENB's or other Graphic Enhancer Mods, you might want to see if those are creating the issue as well?

I don't have any ENB's installed, and I'm using a mod organizer profile with only the unofficial patch, insignificant object remover, alternate start, and skyui installed (I tried turning off skyui, but that didn't work).


I set the resolution as low as I could in BethINI and I changed the resolution to as low as I can in windowed mode. Then i tried setting it as low as I could in full screen mode. Both times, it just moved the dark line around.


Windowed mode (800 x 450): https://imgur.com/WJ0T5g9 (the line is now on the left)

Fullscreen mode (1280 x 720): https://imgur.com/wxkNns5 (the line is now on the left, and there's a new line towards the right)

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Use the [ spoiler ] - [ / spoiler ] ( NO - NO Spaces between them when using them ) command here to use Loot to copy / paste your mod list, please.





You would paste your list here




I have a couple of ideas but want to insure what is and is not at play.

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Use the [ spoiler ] - [ / spoiler ] ( NO - NO Spaces between them when using them ) command here to use Loot to copy / paste your mod list, please.





You would paste your list here




I have a couple of ideas but want to insure what is and is not at play.

Sorry, the list is small so I didn't think it mattered. Here's my mod list:



  • unofficial skyrim special edition patch
  • insignificant object remover
  • alternate start
  • skyui installed (I tried turning off skyui, but that didn't work)

Edited by dragon3025
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Use the [ spoiler ] - [ / spoiler ] ( NO - NO Spaces between them when using them ) command here to use Loot to copy / paste your mod list, please.





You would paste your list here




I have a couple of ideas but want to insure what is and is not at play.

Sorry, the list is small so I didn't think it mattered. Here's my mod list:



  • unofficial skyrim special edition patch
  • insignificant object remover
  • alternate start
  • skyui installed (I tried turning off skyui, but that didn't work)



How far are you into your game?


In other words ... since you are telling me you only have 4 mods, I'm wondering if your base game is corrupted?


I noticed that you did NOT / do NOT have the DLC's ??? Yes, I asked for mods, but when using LOOT, for example, it shows everything ... including DLC's ... as they do indeed play a part in your game.


Also, are you using SKSE 64???


So there is one way to tell this.




Then turn OFF your mods ... all 4 of them ... and restart the game with just the Vanilla Game.


Now use this " mod ", please note the quotes ... as it's just a vanilla base start - saved game file. I have used it A LOT and it's a good solid and simple file.


Save Game - Skip Intro



Now, only do the below ... AFTER we confirm 100% that the issue is still there with NO - ZERO mods or enbs and such at play.


Now, I have NO association w/this mod. It's just one that I found that is clean, avoids the long winded opening scene and gets you started at the creation of your character. :) Again, I've used this since it came out in 2016 with NO ISSUES ... but obviously .... since I have no association w/it ... I can only tell you - it works great for me.


Now ... w/nothing but vanilla game and NO mods - enbs and such ... do you still have the GODRAY issues?


IF - the answer is yes, then there is something wrong w/your base vanilla game and to avoid a SERIOUS P.I.T.A. Protocol issue, I would choose the lesser of the 2 evils and just do a clean reinstall of the game.

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Also I noted that:


Insignificant Object Remover


... has some bugs that are not being addressed at all by the author. I would be leary of this mod, if it were me. Yes, when I review a potential mod's bug reports and see that the author is M.I.A. for 2+ months ...


I get concerned that he / she left the mod.


As I rule, I also then check the last time the Mod Creator was online. Hey we all take vacations and real life hits. But if they are, as a in few cases - still active to current date and they are ignoring their mod, that tells me,



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After disabling everything and running the game through the vanilla launcher without mod organizer 2, it still wasn't working. I then uninstalled Skyrim SE, deleted the game folder it left behind, reinstalled the game (just the game, no skse64 or enbs), and ran it through the vanilla launcher without mod organizer 2, and the problem is still there.

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So show me exactly what you had / have loading - Everything .... ( please )


I hate where this is going ..... but I want all bridges crossed first.


What should be loading is:


-------------------------- Provided you have the DLC's.
Then you run it through the Vanilla Launcher .... and hit the:
: OPTIONS and RESET and then launch the game.
Thanks for your patients. :)
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