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Race Mod Crashes


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Ok, so, heres my problem, I've had the Vaalsark race mod for a long while, never had any problems till yesterday. I added some magic enhancing mods, skill tree rextures and new spells, started up the game, and instant crash after the Bethesda logo, I go back in and turn of the mods i just put in and restart the game, crashes again at the logo. so then i turn off all mods and restart again, it works. At this point I'm completely confused, I had no problems before, untill the new mods, yet i turn just those off and it still crashes, yet all mods off works, so i go and turn on the mods one at a time to see what is causing it, and it turns out its the Vaalsark, which I'm upset because its a neat race. I give up for the day and head to bed. I get home from working out side, and find a succubus mod, install it and run the game, game crashes at the logo. Again, im like " The hell???" i turn off the Succubus and it works fine..so...what the hell is going on? I can't use any new race mod anymore, even with every other mod off, it crashes, so is there somthing i should be aware of, and if so, how do i fix it???
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  • 4 weeks later...

One of the common issues that causes crash at the game start is missing Master file (.esm). I'd recommend to rebuild Bashed Patch in Wrye Bash. It will show you a missing master file if you have any.


Most of custom races use RaceComptibility.esm. Check if you have it active.

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