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FNIS PCEA sitting anyone?


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I would really like to setup a player exclusive sitting animation. I know using FNIS for a single animation which is capable of far more important player animations might seem ridiculous to some but I am hoping someone could help me out~! If you know how to achieve this with or without FNIS, would you be so kind as to tell me the process in a "made for dumbies" kind of way :laugh: much appreciated~!




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Something you don't want to hear, but it is not simple/trivial.


Neither FNIS nor PCEA2 support custom sitting animations "the easy way".


You have to define a furniture animation with FNIS, and then add it into the game with CK. Which is described in the FNIS Modders's doc.

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Hallo Fore~! Enjoying the mod very much! Well that's disheartening but not unexpected seeing as there are no player exclusive siting mods available :confused: . I totally forgot to download the modders doc from the oldrim site, I'm such a forehead :pinch: Thanks for the reply Fore much appreciated :thumbsup:




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I understand. But on the other hand it is not that hard. In this case it wouldn't even require a script to make it work. Furniture animation by FNIS (and the animator, of course). Player condition by CK.


Sometimes it's a really pity that (outside of Loverslab) most people seem to think that I made the Modders Doc only for myself. :)

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I have used that site and there are some amazing things over there :teehee: and honestly helpful people. Here's a question for the sitting what do I do for the 3 part sitting when defining the fu 3 step animation? Do I just use the same animation but edit the naming ie sitting.hkx becomes sittingenter, sittingidle and sittingexit? As I've only got a single sitting animation from Pretty Sit idles to use.


This is a really well put together doc,


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No, you use the enter and exit animations from the vanilla sitting (using the -k option to avoid double definitions).


Those 2 animations actually are the animations for sitting down and getting up. And it would look weird if you take the idles for them as well.

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