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Choosing Sides?!


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I'm not sure if my Character should join the Imperials or the Stormcloaks in the Civil War quest line



Name: Hjolfrin

Race: Nord

Level: 42

Class: Warrior/Mage/Thief

Info: Holy warrior/knight

Character helped escape Helgen: Ralof



So thats pretty much it........please someone suggest which side i should join and the pros/cons of each side.


And if you thought this was a waste of time it does say in the "Topic Description" *Pointless*!!!!! :rolleyes:

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I think joining the civil war is pointless :P (Which is what I thought you meant, actually.) I went through the Imperial side... it was incredibly boring. Defend a town, take several forts, attack a town, done. Maybe the Stormcloak side is more interesting. Somehow I doubt it.


Honestly your stats don't have any bearing on the decision, it's all abut character. And if you character doesn't have a strong opinion on whether the Nords should secede or not, why bother joining either?

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