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Having a strange "double vision" issue Rad800


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Here is my load order first of all:

0 0 FalloutNV.esm
1 1 DeadMoney.esm
2 2 HonestHearts.esm
3 3 OldWorldBlues.esm
4 4 LonesomeRoad.esm
5 5 GunRunnersArsenal.esm
6 6 ClassicPack.esm
7 7 MercenaryPack.esm
8 8 TribalPack.esm
9 9 CaravanPack.esm
10 a FOOK - New Vegas.esm
11 b New Vegas Redesigned 3.esm
12 c FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esm
13 d FCOMaster.esm
14 e Gomorrah Redesigned v2.esp
15 f AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm
16 10 Momod.esm
17 11 Weapon Mod Expansion.esm
18 12 AWOPDeadMoney.esm
19 13 NVWillow.esp
20 14 Bitter Springs Redesigned.esp
21 15 Project Nevada - Core.esm
22 16 More Perks.esm
23 17 Project Nevada - Equipment.esm
24 18 Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp
25 19 Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp
26 1a NevadaSkies.esm
27 1b SomeguySeries.esm
28 1c WME - DLCs.esm
29 1d Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.esm
30 1e Project Nevada - Extra Options.esm
31 1f SolidProject.esm
32 20 APOLLOAndroids.esm
33 21 FOOK - New Vegas.esp
34 22 Ultimate Invisible Wall Remover.esp
35 23 New Vegas Redesigned 3.esp
FCO - NPC Changes.esp
36 24 FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esp
37 25 FOOK-NVR3 CP.esp
38 26 Project Nevada - Rebalance Complete.esp
39 27 Project Nevada - All DLC.esp
40 28 FOOK-PN Convergence.esp
41 29 001 Project Weaponry.esp
42 2a More Perks Update.esp
43 2b EVE FNV - NO GRA.esp
44 2c EVE FNV - NO DLC.esp
45 2d dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp
46 2e Project Nevada - Gun Runners' Arsenal.esp
47 2f EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp
48 30 WeaponModsExpanded.esp
49 31 WMX-DLCMerged.esp
FOOK-PN-WME-WMX-EVE Convergence.esp
50 32 WMX-FOOKNV-DLCMerged CP.esp
51 33 CNR_Beta.esp
52 34 WMX-FOOKNV CP.esp
53 35 Weapon Mod Expansion.esp
54 36 WMX-EVE-AllDLCMerged.esp
55 37 WME - DLCs Arenovalis.esp
56 38 WME - DLCs.esp
FOOK-PN-AWOP Weapon Convergence.esp
57 39 Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Store.esp
58 3a EMR-StealthSuitMkII.esp
59 3b Laurens_Bathroom_poetry.esp
60 3c NewVegasBounties.esp
61 3d TheInheritance.esp
62 3e Russell.esp
63 3f KingOfTheRing.esp
64 40 Badmothaf*#@a.esp
65 41 FOOK-PN-CNR CP.esp
66 42 FOOK-PN-TrooperOverhaul.esp
67 43 BlackjackPackULTIMATEv2.esp
68 44 AWOPDeadMoneyVendorPatch.esp
69 45 ProjectRealityMkIv5HDR.esp
70 46 AWOP - Russell.esp
71 47 NCR Rearmament v1.5.esp
72 48 Wasteland Defense.esp
73 49 TrooperOverhaul-Dragbody.esp
74 4a NCRTrooperOverhaul.esp
75 4b AutumnLeaves.esp
76 4c JokerineRumpMolerat.esp
77 4d F4 Intimidation.esp
78 4e AWOP-MoMod.esp
79 4f CAGE
80 50 CASM with MCM.esp
81 51 Dead Money - No Collar Explosion and No Poison Cloud.esp
82 52 DLC Weapon Integration - WMX.esp
83 53 JIP Companions Command & Control.esp
84 54 KatanaSheathRemover.esp
85 55 Limitless Stats.esp
86 56 LiveDismember.esp
87 57 Max Level 255.esp
88 58 PNx Chargeable Tesla Deathray.esp
89 59 Project Nevada - Blackjack Armors Patch.esp
NVR3_TrooperOverhaulDragbody Patch.esp
90 5a The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
91 5b Readius_NV.esp
92 5c Zan_AutoPurge_SmartAgro_NV.esp
93 5d NVR3_CNR Patch.esp
94 5e NVR3_ProjectNevadaEquipment Patch.esp
FCO - Beyond Boulder Dome.esp
95 5f Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Leveled.Lists.esp
FCO - GlowingOne.esp
FCO - Russell.esp
FCO - OHSB NPC Edits.esp
96 60 Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Honest.Hearts.Grunt.Patch.esp
97 61 Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Cheat.Cabinet.esp
98 62 Project Nevada - Cyberware Additions.esp
99 63 Project Nevada - Dead Money.esp
100 64 Project Nevada - Honest Hearts.esp
101 65 Project Nevada - Lonesome Road.esp
102 66 Project Nevada - Old World Blues.esp
103 67 Stando.esp
104 68 StickyRagdollCam.esp
105 69 B42 RWMS.esp
106 6a Quickthrow.esp
107 6b B42Inertia.esp
108 6c AWOP-NVR3.esp
109 6d Asurah_reanimation.esp
110 6e WMX-EVE_ALL_DLC.esp
111 6f WMX_Patch.esp
112 70 AWOP-WMX-EVE AllDLCMerged.esp
113 71 Project Nevada - WMX.esp
114 72 WMX-POPMerged.esp
115 73 Wattz ammo recharge fix.esp
116 74 Project Nevada - EVE No DLC.esp
117 75 Project Nevada - EVE No GRA.esp
118 76 Project Nevada - EVE All DLC.esp
119 77 WMX-EVE_NO_DLC.esp
120 78 WMX_DLC.esp
121 79 AnT.esp
122 7a F4Quickloot.esp
123 7b Apollo_Younger_Faces.esp
124 7c Cross_2077.esp
NevadaSkies - TTW Edition.esp
125 7d NevadaSkies - Ultimate DLC Edition.esp
126 7e NevadaSkies - Basic Edition.esp
Alright, so i've had this effect called "Rad800" stuck on my character and I tried every solution I could like going through guardian peak, looking for and correcting any mod conflicts, and console commands to remove effects but for some reason "Rad800" will not go away and it says it's giving HP+5 and END-5 and i'm certain it's the reason why I have double vision. Please help Rad800 is ruining my life.

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Before trying to troubleshoot a problem, you should get your load order cleaned out. Remove any plugins that you are not using. Also, go down your list and read what you have installed. Then decide whether or not you have any DLCs. Decide which NevadaSkies you need to use.

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Along those same lines of advice:


* Don't install every optional file for a mod. Read the install instructions carefully. Optional files need to be selected on a "case by case" basis. For example: with any mod you usually only need one ESP (and possibly one ESM) "base" file depending upon whether you have all the DLCs active or not. Only if you don't have them all active do you need to install any specific DLC versions if there is an "Ultimate Edition/All/Merged DLC" version.

* "Compatibility patches" to make one mod work with another need to be placed after (as in "physically lower, higher numbered") in the "load order" than ALL of the plugins they are designed to make compatible. (This also applies to "fix" files.) ESMs should always be placed at the top (lowest numbered) positions in the "load order", followed by the related ESPs though they can be separated from their ESMs by other plugins. LOOT does a good job of determining those basic orders. Getting the "load order" incorrect will cause "Missing Masters" errors as well. You can make minor adjustments to the order and tell LOOT how to remember them. It's in the on-line documentation under "Metadata".

FYI: The "pre-order packs" (aka "POPs": Caravan, Classic, Mercenary, and Tribal; available now in the "Courier's Stash" addon), are not considered "true DLC expansions" by most mods and "compatibility patches" because they just add certain unique items. So their absence should not deter you from using "All DLC Merged" plugins. Where they are included, they should come after "GunrunnersArsenal.ESM" which is a true DLC expansion. When in doubt, follow the process in the wiki "Missing Masters" article to confirm they are not "master files" for that plugin.

* Don't install compatibility patches for mods you do not have installed/active (e.g. get rid of any "TTW" patches if you aren't running TTW). The reverse also holds true: don't install mods that are not compatible with, or specific to, TTW or FNC if you are playing with them


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Before trying to troubleshoot a problem, you should get your load order cleaned out. Remove any plugins that you are not using. Also, go down your list and read what you have installed. Then decide whether or not you have any DLCs. Decide which NevadaSkies you need to use.

Lmao ty. I'm not sure why I haven't noticed that before. I recently had to transfer most of my mods from Vortex Mod Manager to the community updated Nexus Mod Manager and I just had everything auto install. Also my game didn't just start with double vision and Rad800. I came out of one of the AWOP dungeons and I just suddenly had double vision and Rad800.

Edited by SKuLLDuDE4000
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Also if anyone is having this issue, there's no fix still


In case anyone is still wondering in _____(insert your current year)____, the RAD800 effect has no solution to date (tried various methods like many of you, and none worked - happy to be proven wrong though!). Love this mod despite the frame rate drop and the no going back from the RAD800.

To only option you have is to go back to a previous save before you were affected. It sucks but I hope you save your games frequently.

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I didn't find anything related to this subject, but you appear to believe this is a well known problem. It would appear you are suffering an "effect" from a drug or radiation or combination of the two. Before making the "same old" suggestions, perhaps you could provide a link to where previous efforts are detailed? Otherwise, assume we know nothing about this.



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