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Oblivion TNR and OOO


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So lately i've been interested in find an NPC overhaul mod that will make the NPCs more immersible. My search led me to TNR, however there is a problem, TNR wont be compatible with OOO, which I have installed, however I have found threads on the topic with links to fixes and guides to get the two mods working properly. One problem, ALL the links are broken, and I can't find anything any where. So I was wondering If one of you you guys might know where are how to get the two modes working properly together.
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TNR and OOO are completely compatible -- I use both myself. TNR only alters NPC facial geometry features, nothing more.
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Altering only Vanilla NPCs' facial structures TNR will of course not have any effect on OOO-added individuals, but I fail to see how there could be a conflict.

I was, no wait, I still am using both as well, and so far I haven't encountered any oddities. Granted, I'm using the merge variant of TNR through Wrye Bash's bashed patch, but then again, who isn't is asking for trouble anyways.

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