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Spacing and Formatting in Fomod XML


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I have my fomod installer working properly, but I"d like to polish it up a little. The radio buttons & checkboxes are awfully squished together, with only a pixel or two between them vertically. CSS doesn't seem to work (which is how I'd do it with anything web-based), so is there another way of adjusting the spacing/margins around form objects in fomod XML? So far my google searches have turned up zilch.

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Are you referring to the line spacing between lines of which the radio buttons and check boxes should follow? If so, I do not know if it will work within a FOMOD but you could try. https://wiki.wxwidgets.org/Xml#linespacing

Yep, that's exactly what I mean - the spacing between lines (or rows, if you prefer) is a little too close for my liking. I'll give the tags in your link a try - thanks!

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