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[LE] "Space" in the BSA folder structure ?


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My question is very simple, and i'm kind of worried cause i've been reading different posts and i don't know which one is accurate.

Does having a "Space" in the folder's name structure affects in any way the BSA creation or the Mod itself to others (when playing) ?.


Data/Meshes/MyMod/Dwemer ruins small halls/ ... nifs

* I have two folders that were made like this around a year ago by mistake (i was in a hurry, and wrote it like this out of habit), and they have around 250 nifs.

Do i need to remove the "Space" and re-link all of those nifs to avoid any issues been cause to others by this ?.

In my PC - Game i haven't encounter any problems by having them named like this.

Thank you very much for reading this !.

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I do not think it would be a problem. It is always possible that the issues others are having are unrelated to spaces in the directory folder.


If spaces were going to be an issue, then there would be a lot more complaints on a lot more mods as there are plenty that have spaces in the name of the plugins and associated BSAs as well as within the directory structure. Even the base game has spaces in the directory structure. "Character Assets" and "Character Assets Female" are examples under the "Meshes > Actors > Character" folder.

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