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Instalation problems WITH EVERYTHING!!!!!!&#33


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Running windows seven fyi

- Installed fallout 3 from disc to C:\Games\Fallout3

Once i finished that I went to open it but it kept giving me blinkw32.dll so i used a back door and just went through the disc then to the fallout 3 installer and it let me acess the game, then i proceed to add some txt so that it can only use 2 cores (otherwise the freeze problems). Game ran smooth. I then went to install the GECK well thats where things went sour, it was giving me an error saying ssce5432.dll (originally installed to C:\Games\Fallout3 ) reinstalled it to C:\Games then got a libvorbisfile.dll error i have no idea what to do now please help me!! :psyduck:

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@AEseries19 - Sorry, I didn't notice that the errors directed you to an NV nexus. It would appear that you have downloaded and installed the wrong G.E.C.K. I suggest that you uninstall the one you have and download the one for Fallout 3 and install that one. Edited by M48A5
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