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Volcano's in Skyrim



29 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you play Skyrim, if it contained a few Volcano's?

    • Hefffin' YES.
    • Yes.
    • Rather Not.
    • Heffin' NO.

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integrating volcano's into certain places in Skyrim, along with the creation of Lava.


I felt that the planet Skyrim is on, was kinda bleak...


just rocks, grass and snow...


i wondered if it would be possible to create a more lively and dangerous world with brighter colors and creative/realistic themes.




Redo some of Skyrim's mountains / alter mountains into volcano's (if possible)


this could also could be overhauled into a dark elf story line, as i believe their origin is a place with volcano's and lava.


if you have anything to add and or would like to take up this kinda project, post here.


i will be very thankful :D




List of attempted creations:










Edited by noob1012
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Funny you should mention volcanoes, look what I'm working on :)


(note this is without ENB, the ridiculous colour saturation etc is only done through lighting and camera attachments) - I may scale it back a little. Also I'm so far from a release date it isn't funny.

Edited by acidzebra
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Funny you should mention volcanoes, look what I'm working on :)


(note this is without ENB, the ridiculous colour saturation etc is only done through lighting and camera attachments) - I may scale it back a little. Also I'm so far from a release date it isn't funny.



It could work, really. there's Iceland in real life, and well, who's to say that one day Mehrunes dagon doesn't wake up one day and say "You know what Skyrim needs? A volcano!" *makes it so*

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