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Encumbrance Glitch


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Hello all. If this isn't in the correct area of this site, please let me know. This is the first time I've posted a forum on here. Anyway, on to my problem. Recently I noticed that my encumbrance was ridiculously high for the staff, robes, potions, and books that I had on me. I have a constant encumbrance stat of around 147/150. I can't gather any loot without having to repeatedly cast a feather spell. I tried emptying my inventory, and I still had about 115 encumbrance left...with NOTHING except for keys and quest items in my inventory.


I read a post by someone on Neoseeker that said he had a similar problem due to picking up the Emperor's Robe in the testing hall. He said he picked it up to try it on but it never appeared in his inventory. He later noticed a random 87 or so points of encumbrance that were unaccounted for. I said he fixed it by going into the Construction Set and toggling that robe to 'playable' so that it appeared in his inventory and he could remove it. This got rid of the extra weight on his character. I tried doing the same since I ALSO had picked up that robe, but all three of the Emperor's Robe that I saw in the Construction Set were already set to playable so it wasn't that. I have no idea what the problem is. Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance for your help.

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Open the console and click on any container that is freely usable, ie. you won't be stealing. Note the REFID of the container, which we'll take for our purposes as xxxxxxxx. Now, in the console, type:


Player.RemoveAllItems xxxxxxxx 1


Make sure that you substitute xxxxxxxx with the RefID of the container. This will remove all none quest items from your inventory, and place them into the container. You can retrieve what you want, and leave the rest.


Note that you should not be playing in the testinghall in a game that you want to keep clean!

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Open the console and click on any container that is freely usable, ie. you won't be stealing. Note the REFID of the container, which we'll take for our purposes as xxxxxxxx. Now, in the console, type:


Player.RemoveAllItems xxxxxxxx 1


Make sure that you substitute xxxxxxxx with the RefID of the container. This will remove all none quest items from your inventory, and place them into the container. You can retrieve what you want, and leave the rest.


Note that you should not be playing in the testinghall in a game that you want to keep clean!



I tried the process mentioned above, and it removed all non-quest items from my inventory, but didn't solve my encumbrance problem. I still had 115 encumbrance points with NOTHING but quest items in my inventory.

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Open the console and click on any container that is freely usable, ie. you won't be stealing. Note the REFID of the container, which we'll take for our purposes as xxxxxxxx. Now, in the console, type:


Player.RemoveAllItems xxxxxxxx 1


Make sure that you substitute xxxxxxxx with the RefID of the container. This will remove all none quest items from your inventory, and place them into the container. You can retrieve what you want, and leave the rest.


Note that you should not be playing in the testinghall in a game that you want to keep clean!



I tried the process mentioned above, and it removed all non-quest items from my inventory, but didn't solve my encumbrance problem. I still had 115 encumbrance points with NOTHING but quest items in my inventory.


Do you have any curses or diseases? Have you tried going to a temple and using the alter to cleanse your character?

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Open the console and click on any container that is freely usable, ie. you won't be stealing. Note the REFID of the container, which we'll take for our purposes as xxxxxxxx. Now, in the console, type:


Player.RemoveAllItems xxxxxxxx 1


Make sure that you substitute xxxxxxxx with the RefID of the container. This will remove all none quest items from your inventory, and place them into the container. You can retrieve what you want, and leave the rest.


Note that you should not be playing in the testinghall in a game that you want to keep clean!



I tried the process mentioned above, and it removed all non-quest items from my inventory, but didn't solve my encumbrance problem. I still had 115 encumbrance points with NOTHING but quest items in my inventory.


Do you have any curses or diseases? Have you tried going to a temple and using the alter to cleanse your character?


Yes I tried that. Nothing new happened. I REALLY don't want to have to use the console to bump up my strength just to fix this. Then it won't be fair when I use my swords and whatnot.

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Open the console and click on any container that is freely usable, ie. you won't be stealing. Note the REFID of the container, which we'll take for our purposes as xxxxxxxx. Now, in the console, type:


Player.RemoveAllItems xxxxxxxx 1


Make sure that you substitute xxxxxxxx with the RefID of the container. This will remove all none quest items from your inventory, and place them into the container. You can retrieve what you want, and leave the rest.


Note that you should not be playing in the testinghall in a game that you want to keep clean!



I tried the process mentioned above, and it removed all non-quest items from my inventory, but didn't solve my encumbrance problem. I still had 115 encumbrance points with NOTHING but quest items in my inventory.


Do you have any curses or diseases? Have you tried going to a temple and using the alter to cleanse your character?


Yes I tried that. Nothing new happened. I REALLY don't want to have to use the console to bump up my strength just to fix this. Then it won't be fair when I use my swords and whatnot.


No go there, then. Hmmm! Do you have the ring of encumbrance, or anything like it? What of your quest items? Are there any that have weight? -- I'm just thinking aloud, here.


What about your statistics: are there any red numbers, ie. damaged stats? Have you tried looking at your stats in the console, using 'sdt 9' and 'tdt'?

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Open the console and click on any container that is freely usable, ie. you won't be stealing. Note the REFID of the container, which we'll take for our purposes as xxxxxxxx. Now, in the console, type:


Player.RemoveAllItems xxxxxxxx 1


Make sure that you substitute xxxxxxxx with the RefID of the container. This will remove all none quest items from your inventory, and place them into the container. You can retrieve what you want, and leave the rest.


Note that you should not be playing in the testinghall in a game that you want to keep clean!



I tried the process mentioned above, and it removed all non-quest items from my inventory, but didn't solve my encumbrance problem. I still had 115 encumbrance points with NOTHING but quest items in my inventory.


Do you have any curses or diseases? Have you tried going to a temple and using the alter to cleanse your character?


Yes I tried that. Nothing new happened. I REALLY don't want to have to use the console to bump up my strength just to fix this. Then it won't be fair when I use my swords and whatnot.


No go there, then. Hmmm! Do you have the ring of encumbrance, or anything like it? What of your quest items? Are there any that have weight? -- I'm just thinking aloud, here.


What about your statistics: are there any red numbers, ie. damaged stats? Have you tried looking at your stats in the console, using 'sdt 9' and 'tdt'?


There aren't any red numbers except personality, which shouldn't affect encumbrance. I've calculated the weight of all the items in my inventory and I shouldn't have anything more than 25. I checked my stats and such with "sdt 9", and my stats didn't seem to be abnormal or anything, although that was the first time I had seen that screen and I'm not quite sure how to read when it says "<attribute> 40.0/35" for instance. I don't know what those values mean. I don't have the ring of encumbrance on me. I dropped it in the Cheydinnhal Mage's Guild hall right after the quest because there was no way I could carry it.

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There aren't any red numbers except personality, which shouldn't affect encumbrance. I've calculated the weight of all the items in my inventory and I shouldn't have anything more than 25. I checked my stats and such with "sdt 9", and my stats didn't seem to be abnormal or anything, although that was the first time I had seen that screen and I'm not quite sure how to read when it says "<attribute> 40.0/35" for instance. I don't know what those values mean. I don't have the ring of encumbrance on me. I dropped it in the Cheydinnhal Mage's Guild hall right after the quest because there was no way I could carry it.


Attribute 40.0/35 means that you have a damaged attribute -- out of a possible 40 your NPC has only 35, a damage of 5. It is odd that the temple shrine did not clear this, unless an item (cursed) in your inventory is/was preventing a permanent cure. The only sure way is to strip all of your items, as previously, before using the temple shrine.


Note: if you were using an attribute enhancing item (armour, ring etc.) you might see that attribute as 40.0/50 for example -- a ten point boost -- and your attribute would show in green.


The bottom line is that something is keeping your stats damaged, and you need to get to the bottom of it.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi there!


I eventually recognised that my char could only carry fewer and fewer items. I found - similar to thread-starter @LostLuggage - that after putting all his stuff in some container there was still some encumbrance left. Then I read a lot about encumbrance, feather, and burden, stumbled over this thread, and, finally, read somewhere to be careful saving the game when overencumbered and "Realistic Encumbrance and Burden" is used.


The mod allows to move even though you carry more loot with you than your max encumbrance level. To do so it actively uses some formula to apply some modifiier to the encumbrance (overriding the standard 5 x strength), speed, and some other stats. Bad thing is that when saving while overencumbered, deactivating the mod, and loading again, the modifier becomes permanent.


I guess in my case the wrong encumbrance was established during a combat where some enemy cast burden on me, I cast feather, became overencumbered, and changed inventory while spell effects were still active. Or something similar to this :o)


I was able to correct the encumbrance again, using the permanent modification mentioned above:


1. install "Realistic Encumbrance and Burden" MOD

2. load broken savegame
3. open Console (~ - or ^ on german keyboard)
4. display debug info (enter "sdt 9" and "tdt")
5. store all your stuff in container
6. check out encumbrance in debug output (e.g. 55/275)
7. the first number is your extra burden; if 0 you probably don't have a problem that can be solved with the procedure presented here
8. the second number is your max encumbrance (5 x strength)
9. add these two numbers and subtract 2 (e.g. 275+55-2=328)
10. first, pick up as much stuff as you need to reach encumbrance 273/275
11. as soon as you pick up more - one-item-by-one! - the left number becomes red
12. now, pick up single items (maybe from a container you prepared before) until encumrance (in debug output) reads 328/275
13. WARNING! This procedure won't work if you pick up all items at once!

14. open inventory - the numbers should have changed to 273/275!
15. save game
16. switch off "Realistic Encumbrance" in the mod list
17. start oblivion again
18. load the saved game
19. you should now find the encumbrance of your char to be 0

I hope that his could be useful for someone.



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