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In call of duty enemies can be wounded lose their ability to walk then they start crawling away

I'm challenging modders to create a mod that causes enemies to do a very similar thing

a fallen enemy will try to crawl away instead of kneeling

this would explain why npcs never notice a downed enemy until they stand back up

Keep in mind that the crawling replaces the kneeling only the do not die then crawl nor do the ever kneel

Edited by Mafearaak
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If their health remains low (i.e. doesn't rise up past the point of standing back up ) then they'll remain on one knee. If given a direction to go, they will crawl on one knee.


This can be seen sometimes when Lydia or other followers bug out and get stuck in the kneeling position. I had Lydia crawl behind me thru half a dungeon like this. How to actually replicate that, I have no clue. But given what I've seen, it could be possible.

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READ THE POST i sais that they fall like in COD witch meansthe are on their stomach crawling away from the fight using only thier arms THEY ARE NOT KNEELING THIER LEGS DO NOT WORK so they are literaly crawling LEGS ARE LIMP ARMS WORK FINE they ARE NOT KNEELING AND CRAWLING THEY ARE CRAWLING AND CRAWLING they can get up like normal after a time but they ARE NOT KNEELING Edited by Mafearaak
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READ THE POST i sais that they fall like in COD witch meansthe are on their stomach crawling away from the fight using only thier arms THEY ARE NOT KNEELING THIER LEGS DO NOT WORK so they are literaly crawling LEGS ARE LIMP ARMS WORK FINE they ARE NOT KNEELING AND CRAWLING THEY ARE CRAWLING AND CRAWLING they can get up like normal after a time but they ARE NOT KNEELING


Mate, with that kind of attitude, nobody is going to give up weeks of their spare time and bend over backwards just to make a mod for you :armscrossed: .

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Steve i don'y expect people to bend over backwards for this mod at all i said it was a challenge if some one wants to the idea is out there one

two i've read several post that there are several idiots who just reply to the title or the first few words of the description and it irritates me to no end esspecialy when the queastion has been ansewerd 5 time or more

three i get it if you haven't played cod it is a totally different game style and set but i originally thought that IsharaMeradin was one of those idiots but if you haven't played cod i get what he said and why he said it and i'm sorry for have gotten angry at him.

Edited by Mafearaak
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Mafearaak, chill out lol


To create this mod, all that needs to be done is replace the animation for kneeling with an animation for crawling. Unless you want both? In which case... It's not easy putting brand new (non-replacer) animations into Skyrim :P

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