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My Challenge to The Modding Community


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Ive been playing SKyrim since launch and there are a few mods that for the life of me, cant understand why no one has done it, they are the following:


1: Ability to attack while jumping, like you could in Oblivion


2: Ability to block and parry with Hand to Hand i.e. Left mouse button handles all unarmed attacks, like a three hit combo and right mouse blocks, wearing gauntlet type and block stats determine effectiveness. (While we're attack increase the speed of unarmed attacks so they arent so god awful slow, an 80 year old blind man can see those vanilla punches coming!) Maybe script a throwing ability by pressing the attack button whilst blocking? Or How about instead of punching animations for attack normals, how about all kicks? Or instead of the looping and sloppy drunken ape haymaker punches, how about some fast, stiff jabs and crosses?


3: We see hundreds of weapon mods, and as cool and well made as they are, at the end of the day, its just another sword, axe, dagger or hammer. I'd like some brand new weapon classses introduced:


-Spears/Quater Spears: Actual thrusting animations for regualr attacks and lunging pierce strikes for power attacks.


-Bow Staff/Quater Staff: Actual staff attack animations like sweeps and thrashing attacks, not two-handed sword attack knock-offs


-Whips: Iconic Vampire Hunter weapon anyone? Whips with fully havok meshed animations. Fluid like those flag markers you see around Winterhold blowing in the wind. Whips should animated as expected, or at least to the best capability of the Creation Kit.


-Semiautmatic Crossbows: No reloads, just point, shoot repeat. If its even possible to get crossbows to behave that way in Creation Kit.


-All weapons should be craftable under all classes of smithing-


And last but not least, and I DARE someone to do it, "Dragonshift"


A power that lets you transform into a dragon, BUT a smaller one, maybe about the size of a cow or horse, or the size of the dragon follower Dave The Talking Dragon: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/8808/?tab=3&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmodimages%2F%3Fuser%3D0%26id%3D8808 (The smaller size is a suggestion cause Im sure Skyrim's camera would cause issues when controlling a full size dragon blocking your view)


Transforming into Dragonform could use the Powers Button and Changing Back to human can use a bat command


I dont know how scripting works, but if at all possible, the setting would be as follows:


Ground Controls:

Left Mouse - Biting Attack

Right Mouse - Tail Attack

Shout Key - Dragon Breath

Sprint Key - Dragon Shout Fireball That Explodes in a 30ft Radius

Jump Key - Flight


Flight Controls:

W,A,S,D,: Pitch Down, Bank Left, Pitch Up, Bank Right

Left Mouse: Dragon Shout Fireball That Explodes in a 30ft Radius

Right Mouse: Fire Breath

Sprint Key: Flight Speed Increase

Jump Key: Land (Dragon should be able to land on roof tops and other high surfaces, if possible)



These are the mods I'd like to see, and I think other would like them to. So this, Skyrim Modders; is my Challenge to you. I want to see you guys take your creativity and awesom ability to make this a reality.

Edited by nemtek
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The CK is a tool that adds content to Skyrim very much like the content that is already there. Like if you want more quests, more dungeons, more houses, more NPCs, .etc, then it is quite doable.


On the other hand, when people try to make changes to things like basic game mechanics, there is often not much that can be done.

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some of those weapons are in other mods, skyre has the first two.

the dual wield parry mod lets you attack with one mouse button and block with the other.

there's one that lets you become a dragon too, and fly around. it's normal size though. there's a vampire lord one too, just need a werewolf 20,000 ft jump mod..

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Fighting hand to hand is hard in this game and clunky too. The spears thing I think people have been asking for that since morrowind? oblivion? it seems like it would be incredibly simple and why wouldn't beth make spears but I guess they thought spears would make it too easy to kill an enemy since you could just jab them to death from four or five feet away. I would love to see a stabbing move with one handed swords and two handed swords too.
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