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Castle Fully Restored - Rubble still at North door


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Been trying to implement the Castle Fully Restored Inside and Out mod - tried both V1 and V2 - V2 on this link https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/31858?tab=description

However, every attempt to view it in game still has a pile of rubble at the Northern entrance where the player enters with the Minutemen. There is also rubble still in the wall behind that section, which can cause the player to get stuck when jumping around. Image is here; https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/777355776026800663/8A64414EFFB2C3663CBD0DC6AAE821A76775E265/


I've checked it on the CK which shows the rubble gone as it should be, and also tested each of my mods that affect the environment, as far as I know, and haven't been able to pick it up.

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