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Scythe Blade


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This is a simple blade model that I've done in about 1 hour :biggrin:

As an example I used edited textures originally created by Qarl&Bethesda



I'll probably include this in Black Ash City Mod and also release it as modder's resources(using textures created by myself :closedeyes: of course)


So...I would like to see some constructive criticism :thanks:

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No offense, but I'm not even sure what it is I'm looking at there. I appreciate the fact that you're trying to go low poly, but that doesn't mean that you cannot add some shape or form to the item. What's the point of using quarl's textures if they are smeared that badly? I don't mean to offend, but are you that new to modeling, or is this some sort of joke?
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While I think Vagrant may be a bit harsh, it is somewhat hard to tell what the second pic is. Maybe show us some more screens from different angles?


On the first pic I think the blade shows promise, but the handle could use a little more detail. A good way to do that (in Blender, sorry, it's the one I use) is by subdividing, turning on proportional edit, and then selectively scaling rings of verts at the top and bottom end to give it a turned or lathed look (think about old chair legs you've seen for a basic idea).

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While I think Vagrant may be a bit harsh, it is somewhat hard to tell what the second pic is. Maybe show us some more screens from different angles?


On the first pic I think the blade shows promise, but the handle could use a little more detail. A good way to do that (in Blender, sorry, it's the one I use) is by subdividing, turning on proportional edit, and then selectively scaling rings of verts at the top and bottom end to give it a turned or lathed look (think about old chair legs you've seen for a basic idea).



I'll be "messing" :devil: with it today , and thanks for the ideas ;)



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