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Trying to find where, or how these items were obtained- images in post prefer someone to reply that creates- mods they would know probably


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It is hard to believe with thousands of mods out there no one knows the answer to my question.

This time posting images basically I installed Sanctuary Hot Springs and found items in that mod that were really cool

I tried pm-ing & posting on the mod itself but since it was made in 2016 I don't believe they will respond.


I have tried for over 3 weeks,searching, posting here, reddit and other forums no one answers, or they answer with a guess no one knows where these items came from. Are they from another mod maybe, player-author custom made meaning you will never find items like this in game?

The images show the items.















1st- power armor you can shrink - move but if you look at images these PA's have weapons in hand so don't know how they were created.

2nd- the sign is kinda 3-D not a flat sign

3rd- the chemistry statue is like a statue not flat

4th- the medical sign rotates all time so it has to be powered and rotates

If a mod author that makes mods could reply I am fairly sure they would either know or have a more accurate idea if these items actually exist within a mod or they are custom made.

Custom made would mean no way I can obtain these items myself and I would give up looking.


Also, I have tried Place everywhere to Clone the items but I cannot target them at all.




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