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At what journal ID and stage people of Morrowind recognize player as Nerevarine?


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I would rather say B1_UnifyUrshilaku 50


Thanks a lot it's double luck! I am making mod that affects Dura gra-Bol quest and you just happen to make mod that affects her quest. I wouldn't know it if you did not post. I will patch for Reward for sparing Vadacia and Alleius 1.1



Do you allow me to make Dura gra-Bol quest overhaul that will require your ESP as master? I will make two version one which will require your Reward for sparing Vandacia and Alleius.esp and other standalone to cut the number of plugins to the minimum. Otherwise I would have to make two ESP - one for my Dura overhaul quest and other for the Reward for Sparing Patch.

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