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Problem with some kind of effect in Skyrim


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Hello Everyone! ( Do not read further, i havent got Vortex.. wrong forum sorry )


I have some kind of problems with the lights. I attached an image (sorry for the pdf file), because it has to be seen to be able to understand what kind of problem i have. It looks like i have problems with filtering the lights. I tried everything with enb ( I clicked shift + enter and tried everything including the all options i can turn down (directlightning, reflection etc..), literally everything so i think the problem is not with the enb.


The problem started when i download a mod called t.a.z visual overhaul. Everything went fine except this. I have mod organizer 2 and loot. In the description (t.a.z visual overhaul) it says to download optinal files like ELFX, particle patch, etc.. I downloaded them all. After all in the mod organiser it says the ELFX and the Realistic water Two overwrites the particle patch. But this isnt the problem. I tried to disable all the mods but this problem still went on. By the way, i have only a few mods like TAZ (with the optional files), Real clouds and 4K parallax treebark (and SkyUi, SKSE - they are fine no problem with them). Any idea what should i do? Have you ever met a problem like this? I scrolled down hundreds of problem topics in skyrim mods and watched youtube videos but nothing changed. Im hopeless now. :sad:


Oh and i forgot to say that this problem is not going all the time, just when the sun directly shining. I mean if the sun beyond a cloud the image is correct, nothing problem with it. But sometimes a lights like on the picture, i barely see and its blinding me. Sometimes its a bit irritating sometimes more and sometimes like this, i dont know the connection. Sometimes its feels like the reflection do this light. (Last time when it happened i was walking down the riverside and a dead deer was in the river a went there and with the reflection of the deer started it, then my armor then everything.. i dont know :sleep: :laugh: )


Thanks for the answers! :laugh:



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