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Skyrim crash resets NMM


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Occassionally Skyrim crashes and when I open NMM, the mods are all unchecked and I have to re-check them. Annoying but when that happens, it resets the Cerwiden Companion back to default and I have to go back and re-enlist her again (she loses all equipment/levels, etc). I understand it is because the mod wasn't uninitiated from within the game. She's a good healer but having to restart her again and again is a pain. I don't know what, if any other mods are affected. Anyone else experience this? Thanks.
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Do you have these lines in your Skyrim prefs.ini (the one in your username\mydocuments\mygames\skyrim)






Also, are you running NMM as an administrator (not just logging into Windows as administrator, but specifically giving admin privileges for NMM)

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Do you have these lines in your Skyrim prefs.ini (the one in your username\mydocuments\mygames\skyrim)






Also, are you running NMM as an administrator (not just logging into Windows as administrator, but specifically giving admin privileges for NMM)


From the previous crash where I lost the Cerwiden, when I restarted, the follower Lydia went back to Breezehome and now will not come out of the house! Guess she got tired of being my "helper."


Had another crash from where I nearly got ambushed by a dragon. He/She was spittin' flames and I was alternating frost and lightning and the poor graphics card broke into tears. And that was on the lowest setting.....


btw - have a 1200 watt power supply, so power isn't the problem


Did not have the bEnable... entry and the bShowAll... was set to 0. I changed that. Thank You.


Yes, I learned the Admin dilemma not too long after I got the new 'puter. Changed the properties of NMM to run as Admin every time. I Really hate that about Win 7 but not near as much as every bloody file being write protected and no matter how many times I change the folder or individual file options, All files show up as write protected.


I had upgraded from a Radeon 5770 to a GTC (?) 640 but it had a DVI-I and a DVI-D (which getting an adapter for the latter is near impossible). Downgraded to a GTC 610 but it was worse than the old Radeon. Now I'm back with the old Radeon and saving up the $300.+ for a decent card that I can hook up two DVIs to.


btw - when I run a game I only have one monitor going (for safety's sake)


Most crashes are from the graphics card but sometimes the xbox wireless controller gets locked up and ctd.


Thank you for the help.

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I've never had a radeon card, and i am not at all familiar with them. However, I have an old NVidia card (9800GT, 512MB) so I feel your pain about low end cards. Still, I have been able to get the game running smooth and pretty, with some tweaking. I wonder if you have looked at the following two resources?

Geforce Tweak Guide: Tenty pages of tweaks, most of which are applicable to any kind of card, not just NVidia.

RookieNoob's Tweak Guide: I really like this one because it discusses tweaks for both high and low end systems, discusses how they affect both performance and quality.


I have found that some small concessions, like lowering the particles, grass, and leaf animations, have made it possible for me to run high textures. Also I don't use the Bethesda Hi-res textures pack. I find that I can get better performance and at least as pretty a game visually bu using things like SMIM and Vurt's Flora Overhaul, etc. (of course everyone has to find the magic combo for their specific set-up.)


Also, running Steam in offline mode and and turning off background processes like autoupdates and my external hard drive prevent crashes from my computer resources being appropriated by background apps--which was a problem even with 6 GB of CPU RAM.


Good luck, not sure if any of this will help you, but I do hope so!

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I've never had a radeon card, and i am not at all familiar with them. However, I have an old NVidia card (9800GT, 512MB) so I feel your pain about low end cards. Still, I have been able to get the game running smooth and pretty, with some tweaking. I wonder if you have looked at the following two resources?

Geforce Tweak Guide: Tenty pages of tweaks, most of which are applicable to any kind of card, not just NVidia.

RookieNoob's Tweak Guide: I really like this one because it discusses tweaks for both high and low end systems, discusses how they affect both performance and quality.


I have found that some small concessions, like lowering the particles, grass, and leaf animations, have made it possible for me to run high textures. Also I don't use the Bethesda Hi-res textures pack. I find that I can get better performance and at least as pretty a game visually bu using things like SMIM and Vurt's Flora Overhaul, etc. (of course everyone has to find the magic combo for their specific set-up.)


Also, running Steam in offline mode and and turning off background processes like autoupdates and my external hard drive prevent crashes from my computer resources being appropriated by background apps--which was a problem even with 6 GB of CPU RAM.


Good luck, not sure if any of this will help you, but I do hope so!


$375.00 for one nVidia Geforce GTX 660 TI & now everything is squared away............

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