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can't enter Dragonreach


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hello guys,


I'm having a problem entering the castle of dragonsreach.... I'm getting an infinte loading screen.... The thing is that i've already read the topics about the whiterun solution, you know the one with the changes in MAP section in the skyrim.ini file, but it did nothing.... Also i Installed the game two days ago, because i did a format on my pc and i started a new game.... I'm at the point where you have to inform the Jarl about the dragon and i can't enter the keep to complete the quest... I tried changing the graphics but nothing happend...


Thanks in advance...

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The first thing I'd try is to verify cache through steam; it is possible you are missing a file and that should fix that. If not,

Are you running mods? Did you run BOSS for proper load order? Have you performed basic mod troubleshooting (see Bben's troubleshooting guide)


Did you do a clean reinstall before restarting the game? If there were fragments of the old game, you could have a corrupted file or fragment of an old mod that is causing the trouble.

To do a clean reinstall:


Remove all/any mods, exactly as instructed by mod author, (make sure not just disable, but remove)

Go to Steam, use the Delete Local Content to remove game.

Go to your local computer files and remove all files associated with Skyrim (check your program files/steam/steamapps/common/skyrim and also user/mydocuments/mygames/skyrim folders.) If you don't want to go to the trouble of redownloading all your mods, you can copy the zipped files from wherever you have them downloaded, and move them to a seperate folder (like on a flash drive or on your desktop, so you can easily reinstall.)

If you have used the steam game backup function, you may want to delete those games, or at least move them (like onto a flash drive) so Steam won't try to load from your backup.


Close down your computer completely (even the back switch) to clear cache.


Start your computer again, reinstall skyrim, play through the Helgen cave, then reinstall your mods one at a time, running BOSS and playing for a bit to ensure that the game is working smoothly before adding the next.


Hope this helps.

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