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Construction Set Petition


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As we all know, the Oblivion Construction Set gives modding a lot more options, and it attracts a large modding community. Fallout 3 is a beautiful game, and has so much potential to develop a thriving mod community. Bethesda claims that they don't know when they will be able to release a construction set, and that it hasn't even been confirmed if it will be made. A construction set is essential for a modding community to develop and thrive here. This may just be a petition, but a little extra influence from the people sure can't hurt the cause. To sign this petition, simply post with a thumbs up expression and a comment in favor of releasing a construction set. Bethesda is bound to find out about this eventually if it gets big enough.


Example: Count me in for the Fallout 3 Construction Set! :thumbsup:




That's one.


EDIT: I encourage those who view this to sign, the petition won't benefit from merely looking at it. We need your input!


EDIT 2: This is NOT a flame against Bethesda, it is meant for positive encouragement of releasing a CS. If you have any negative comments, please refrain from posting them here.

:thumbsup: Fallout 3 mod petitioner here!!!Fallout 3 modding ftw!!!!



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