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Yes, but aside from the fact that merchants with 0-29 are fences I don't see any information what the Responsibility value for e.g. a commoner is.


On the discussion page one asked "Why not add a list that catagorizes people by their responsiblity?" but it seems such a site hasn't been made...

Edited by Someone92
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All NPCs in Oblivion are listed in the wiki (http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:People).

Click on a name and all their stats are listed including their responsibility.


There isn't a single page that lists all NPCs and all their stats.


You will find that NPCs have different responsibility settings and there isn't exactly a setting for a specific NPC type or group but a range of settings (ie: 30-69). It seems a lot of commoners who are just present but are not quest related or have a purpose other than to be present have a responsibility of 50 but 50 isn't used across the entire group of "commoner" NPCs (listed under "Other" in the wiki People page).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've looked through the wiki and it seems that commoners have as low as 25 responsibility and "bad guys" have as high as 50 responsibility.

So, everyone with 24 responsibility should be a bad guy, that's what I've wanted to know.


Thanks for the help.

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