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Interesting Issue With Dismissing Custom Companions


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Hey folks I was testing a couple of my Companions in process and decided to start a new game. This time I played as a male character. When I dismissed my companion, the message came up that she was going back to her point of origin, no settlement list.


I though it was the companion so I checked the CK and found nothing unusual. When I went in game at a later time I played as my Fem character and found that the settlement list was working fine with the same companion.


So a day later I went in game and played as my male character and dismissed one of my other companions and the same thing happened.


SO the question is, what would cause the dismissal settlement wheel to work with a female player but not a male player with custom companions and is this even possible. I am not aware of any variables that would cause this problem. Any incite to this issue would be much appreciated.





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