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FREE Multiplayer Online Games


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I will update this list as I find the "good stuff" but this will not be an exhaustive list due to post limits. Check for other member posts for more links.


Feel free to list your suggestions but please try to list some helpful facts that you know about the game. Please do not turn this into a debate thread though. If you feel the need to list things that bothered you about a particular game, then feel free to do so but not in a debate manner to try and sway the opinions of other members.


Related Topics:

- FREE Singleplayer Games to Download

- FREE Singleplayer and Online-Only Games


Battlefield Heroes - Download

- Genre: Shooter

- Size: ?

- NOTE: Now in BETA (as of 6/26/2009)



America's Army: Special Forces - Download

- Genre: 1st Person Shooter

- Size: 3,000 MB ???

- Wikipedia Page



Free Allegiance - Download

- Genre: Space Sim

- Size: 85 MB



Vega Strike - Download

- Genre: Space Sim

- Size: 450 MB

- Wikipedia Page



Complete Annihilation - Download

- Genre: Real-time Strategy

- Size: 30 MB

- NOTE: There are several conversion mods such as Star Wars Total Annihilation and other game variants.



Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory - Download

- Genre: 1st Person Shooter (Multiplayer)

- Size: 257 MB

- Wikipedia Page



Track Mania: Nations - Download

- Genre: Racing

- Size: 500 MB

- Wikipedia Page



SubSpace Continuum - Download

- Windows Client / Server

- Massive Multiplayer Online

- Wikipedia Page



FEAR Combat - Download

- Genre: 1st Person Shooter

- Size: 1,800 MB

- Windows Client / Server

- Wikipedia Page



Fury - Download

- Genre: MMORPG

- Size: 2,400 MB



Combat Arms - Download

- Genre: 1st Person Shooter

- Size: 2,000 MB



Nexuiz - Download

- Genre: 1st Person Shooter

- Size: 1,000 MB



Alien Arena 2008 - Download

- Genre: 1st Person Shooter

- Size: 188 MB



Savage - Download

- Genre: 1st Person Shooter or Strategy

- Size: 764 MB



Savage 2: A Tortured Soul - Download

- Genre: 1st Person Shooter or Strategy

- Size: 1,043 MB



Warmonger Operation: Downtown Destruction - Download

- Updated Download Page

- Genre: 1st Person Shooter

- Size: 437 MB



Sauerbraten - Download

- Genre: 1st Person Shooter

- Size: 437 MB



SubVein - Download

- Genre: Top-Down Shooter

- Size: 20 MB



Urban Terror - Download

- Genre: 1st Person Shooter

- Size: 1,024 MB



Tremulous - Download

- Genre: 1st Person Shooting and RTS

- Size: 96 MB




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If I play a multiplayer online game and have a relatively slow internet connection will it be all jumpy?



Like how slow? I guess that most of the games with medicore graphics should be flawless playable... Since they are for free, why not testing it? The worst think could be the download time...

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Oooh, i haven't played sub space in ages! it's a great game, i normally play on the Mg ctf arena. If im not mistaken i think it was one of the first ever online multi player games aswell (it had a different name back then)
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Oh well, I live in rural Australia so we need a satellite to get a decent connection.

Which means we've got a certain amount of G.B we cant go over, so I can't download any really big files.

If I say downloaded a 2 G.B file it would take all day as well as using up our connection.


Does anyone know of any good games that aren't to big?

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I used to play ~ Rappelz ~ which is a free online mmorpg. I thought it was very fun, and depending on which world (server) you chose, it was acceptable to battle other players if you desired. Rappelz is played with swords, armor, and magic. The graphics and effects were well done.
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