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FREE Multiplayer Online Games


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there was a online game i use to play called i think it was Kai Online it was quite fun at times i might play again



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At the moment, I'm playing Perfect World Online


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It's a fairly interesting MMO based on Chinese mythology. It's one of the few MMO's I've played with a fairly balanced PvP system, and which lacks some of the usual classes (rogue, paladin). Has fairly good party and guild systems, and has some options for soloing even at high levels. The grind is about the same as any MMO (not as bad with a group as it is solo), but breaks it up a little bit with quests, weekly events, special dungeons, and guild vs guild pvp. Most of the player base seems to be 16+, but have run into a fair number of people 21+ within the guild I joined. It offers both PvE (players vs enemy) and PvP (player vs player) servers. Both require killing monsters to level up, and both allow the option of PvP, just on the PvP server, PvP is always enabled, making hunting, or even walking around between towns, a bit more of a challenge.


It's F2P with a cash shop. You don't NEED to buy anything in the cash shop, but many things in the cash shop can make life alot easier. There is also an option to buy gold (used in the cash shop) from other players with the ingame currency (what you get from killing and selling stuff to NPCs) so even if you do not want to spend any real money on the game, you can still make use of the cash shop if you have the money for it ingame. Getting money ingame varies depending on class, but for those who can learn what sells to other players well, money usually isn't that hard to get.


The skill system is class based, where every class has their own skill set, with skills being leveled up over time by paying money and spirit (another form of exp) at a trainer. In this way, you can technically learn every skill for your class, are best sticking with a single group of good skills until you have enough spirit and money to invest in others.



Another one I played for awhile was Air Rivals


This is a bit of a different kind of MMO, taking many elements of FPS games with the same sort of leveling, class, and skill systems found in RPGs. This game, has been owned by a few different companies in the past, and currently has 2 companies who are running servers for it. Some of the graphics may seem a bit dated (2005ish) but that doesn't diminish the more fun aspects of the game... Flying around, shooting stuff. The real time combat system alone makes this game particularly fun, especially when you are in a large air battle with 200+ people.


This game is rather competitive, and has more or less imposed PvP once you get past a certain point. Put simply, once you get out of the training area, you are forced to join one of two opposing factions. Neither faction has any real, hard coded advantage over the other, but instead may have an advantage of numbers or player skill. This means, that once you join a side, you become a part of how capable that side is at defending areas owned by that side. You can still be a loner, pitching in, but will ultimately benefit from working with other members of your side. There is still some level grinding in this game, however, depending on what sort of craft you're using, some times are more challenging than others, and periodic invasions in territories owned by your side can provide a needed distraction. As far as PvP goes, when you kill a member of the other side, you get a killmark which can be used to gain experience... Although you probably won't be able to use these until higher levels, by the time you can, they can help out alot.

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every time i update my membership on runescape, i play it alot for the first two weeks, then hardly play it if at all for the last 2 weeks :s


was thinking of making a pure acc on it as they bought back pking now.

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every time i update my membership on runescape, i play it alot for the first two weeks, then hardly play it if at all for the last 2 weeks :s


was thinking of making a pure acc on it as they bought back pking now.



Funny you should say that .. my lvl 119 on free world is kinda boring, but my new Pker (str pure and def noob) is coming along just dandy. Trouble is, people are using Godswords - My main got pooned in two hits and me with 93 def and 98 hit points. Two bloomin' hits ! :verymad:


Good luck you

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Runescape just sucks... Have to say it. Too many foul mouthed 12 year olds with low self-esteem running around. PK on runescape is, from what I've seen, mostly typical school yard bully situations where a bunch of fairly weak people follow around someone, and they just gang up on anyone they deem vulnerable. The irony of course being that most of those people playing those characters are the very same people who are bullied (in roughly the same manner, and for comparativly same reasons) in real life. The rather simplistic point and click interface requires little comprehension and mental ability to use, which is good since most of the activities for leveling tend to be mindnumbingly repetitive. The main (almost only) reason why Runescape is as popular as it is, is because kids can play it at school while teacher isn't looking due to it not requiring any files downloaded and stored locally. Atleast until the school realizes it and just flags the website as illegal (another example why schools need better tech people).


And this is not the usual runescape bashing... The gameplay is about as deep as a dinner plate, the community is almost all middle schoolers, and too much of your time is spent doing the same repetitive clicking motions. Although the quests can make for some break up of monotony, most of them you have to pay for, along with most of the "neet" things you can do in the game at this point. People have a good reason to dislike the game because those who like the game tend to be viewed in a negative light because the game just totally lacks most of the finer elements of MMOs while being bogged down by most of the negatives. Put simply, it's the MMO equivilant of Pokemon... Except without the deeper philosophic content.


No offense. This is not a flame for the sake of flaming, but an explaination as to why the game is viewed negativly, and to infact prevent a flaming from occuring because most of the points of such a flame have already been stated in a less insulting manner.

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On that note, if someone in Europe(Requirement for playing the European version.) is interested in playing Cabal Online, drop me a note and I might just start playing with ya, I've gotten to the point in the game where it's starting to be boring without a few friends playing with me and that's one of the reasons I ended up quitting a few months back.(Lv103 Warrior Aomiya, Jupiter server, Lv39 Blader Tenmaku, Jupiter server.)
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@Vagrant0 - I can't disagree with you on all your slatings, for the main part you are absolutely right. However, there is a function called Friends List. Personally I have no idea what the hoards of foul mouthed little buggers are saying because I don't have 'public' chat on. It's a much nicer game that way. I talk to my friends and ignore every one else. A moderator over-rides your chat settings and can speak to you if they so desire. As it happens, most of my friends are high level, intelligent, adults (a few are mods) and we work together to achieve our objectives and goals. You can kill Mithril dragons alone if you are good enough (like me) but to kill the King Black Dragon or the Daganoth Kings (and the list goes on) you need co-operation and a little patience. You need the patience in order to endure waiting your team's turn while the mindless foul mouthed little kids get wasted. :thumbsup:


You are wrong on the subject of files, totally.


viz C:\Windows\.file_store_32 C:\Windows\jagex_cache_32 & C:\Windows\Prefetch

(Not to mention the Java deployment cache)

I don't think school system administrators have a clue what goes on in 'that' box, least of all what the kids get up to! :biggrin:

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Thanks for the suggestions and please keep them coming.


But may I request that this does not turn into a debate thread?


I've updated the 1st post to help direct the feedback.




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