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Creation Kit: Wrong window layout


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Hi guys,

I started to work with the creation kit, I wanted to create some new npc, but I noticed that the preview windows in the "Character Gen Parts" Tab covers some important keys.

All the others tabs are good but the "Character Gen Parts" Tab has a bad layout so i can't use the Import and set button, the preview window cover them.




I saw some videos from youtube and that window was good.

What can it be?

Please help


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Was it ever good? Can you resize the window?


If not, you could try closing the program, deleting the SkyrimEditorPrefs.ini from the main skyrim directory (where TESV.EXE is), starting the CK again.


I do not know if it has ever worked, it's the first time I work with character.

I can resize the windows but it doesn't help. That's what happen




I already tried to delete the SkyrimEditorPrefs.ini, nothing changed.


Thanks for trying

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1920x1080 60Hz


I tried to slow down resolution until 1280. It doesn't help

It seems to be a software bug and I don't think to be the only one to have encountered this error.

Also because it's the only tab with wrong layout.


look at the window border



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The problem was in the custom settings for the font size in Windows.

I just bought a bigger monitor and to get a better view I increased the DPI.

Unfortunately, some custom size create a bug in the display windows of some programs.

CK included.


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