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best/worst guild/


what is your favourite/least favourite guild and why  

99 members have voted

  1. 1. Favourite guild?(in your opinion) State why below

    • Dark brotherhood
    • Mages guild
    • Fighters guild
    • Thieves guild
    • Arena
  2. 2. Least favourite guild?(in your opinion) State why below

    • Dark brotherhood
    • Mages guild
    • Fighters guild
    • Thieves guild
    • Arena

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FAV:Dark Brotherhood I almost would say no to it because so many people chose the Dark Brotherhood its almost cliche at this point but it isnt the killing for me its the story line while none of the guilds are oscar winners the Dark Brotherhood has its twist and the quest can be carried out with slow mothodical thinking and intellect as opposed to mind numming hack and slash (ARENA) but I must say the characters in the Dark Brotherhood are like little Sithis Nazis and are really corny and take there job a little too seriously.........think about it they kill innocent people and worship to no end a god that has no appearence........(Islamic Fanatics = Dark Brotherhood) I see no difference


WORSE:Arena No story line really and mindless killing for 3 hours with no sense of strategy or different approaches to things its just how well can you use a overpowered claymore and spam "cast" with a healing spell.....Oh and big suprise no epic end or anything just a poo piece of armor and once a week kill fest against crap I kill in the wilderness every 20 seconds......the only thing the arena is good for is easy "Fame" and a groupie

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The Brotherhood owned. It was like the mafia in Oblivion. Some of the best kills I've done without mods. The Dark Brotherhood allowed you to do things you can't really do in any other part of the game; so that's why I think it's the BEST.


To be honest, once you get into them all guilds are awesome. The awesome thing about the Thieves Guild was that when stealing the taxpaper thingies from the guard tower I was able to sneak in a guard assassination without guards, guilds or nines knowing, but shortly after I killed sum1 crucial in order to play thieves guild so i never got much farther T_T

For the WORST I'd have to say Fighter's guild. Personally I loved all the guilds just about equally, except the Dark Brotherhood. The only reason I picked the Fighter's Guild is that all the quests were quite boring and repetitive until the very last couple of quests, which just owned. Plus, from this I got the blackwood suicide ring (which I had been searching for for ages) so I'd have to say I don't have a least favorite.

Okay I'd have to say Arena because I've done that whole thing through and through so many times already and I'm dreading when I do it again on my new character(s)

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I love the Dark Brotherhood its the first guild i play every time i start a new character


I find the mages guild rather dull and boring since i never have anything to do with magic with the only spell being used is heal

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I quite liked all the guilds, and i particularly like the fact that you don't have to do all / any..


I really liked the dark brotherhood, and the special assignements from the thieves guild, because I like the thrill, and I prefer thinking about what i'm going to do, and how.. you know, planning.. Not just running in a dungeon, killing goblins..


That's why I chose Fighters guild as worst..


I really like the DB rewards, and the Arcane university (spellmaking / enchanting),

but i was rather dissapointed with the Arena, especially the last fight ( Guy just stands there crying.. and i was hoping for a big epic final battle :wallbash: .


Fencing isn't v. interessting, but no prob for me, cuz i had already fenced over 2000 before even going to weynon priory, to buy a house ^^

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My Favorite: Thieves Guild. The quests are long and indepth and require a lot of indepth thought, although if you're high leveled and are just doing the thieves guild line just so you can say you did, their boring because you can just beat the crap out of all the obstacles. A true thief is usually a reeeeally bad fighter and has to think and keep his/her wits about them in order to survive. Now I love all the guilds and the reason I didn't choose the Dark Brotherhood was not because I don't like the guild but the quests are too short for me and not as in depth, however the uniqueness of them all make it a very close second.


My least favorite: Arena, it's fun yeah, but again too short and basically it's "run in and kill them then leave and get some gold" not really a ton of strategy in it, stealth is impossible in the arena (which is what I like to do because it's a thinky kind of way to do things), magic is risky because most mages can get clobbered as soon as a melee fighter gets close so basically the only way to complete the arena quest line is do it towards the end and be badass enough to kill anything no matter what or be a warrior, I think the true beauty of a guild is it's ability to enable different methods of doing things.

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My favourite is the Dark Brotherhood. If someone has risked summoning a Speaker to inhume someone else, then that person must have done something bad - remember Rufio?? It is a fantastic questline IMO, apart from the stage before Bravil. I felt quite bereaved at that point. As to being bloodthirsty - they are assassins, after all!


Least favourite is the Arena, if you count it as a guild, but I didn't like the Water's Edge part of the Fighter's Guild (although Oreyn is a real winner!) :biggrin:

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