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Spontaneous Issues with NMM & F4SE?


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Hello! I recently received Fallout 4 as a gift from a friend for PC (I have XB1 Edition) and I was working on modding it. I have around 200 mods, give or take, and so far the game as been running perfectly. I have had no FPS issues even though some of my mods are graphical, and I've had minimal crashing. However, out of nowhere today I tried to launch my game via F4SE since most of my mods depend on it and my game bar will appear, screen turns black as if the game is going to launch, and then it just closes. Not even 5 minutes before that happened I was able to play the game with no issues. All of my mods, NMM, and F4SE is up to date. I even disabled ALL of my mods and tried running my game, and to no avail it does the same thing. I'm not sure if anyone has had this same issue, nor am I expecting a perfect solution to the problem, maybe just some pointers. I'm thinking about re-installing the game entirely but I want to avoid that as much as I can.


As for my mods, since the game was running perfectly fine with them initially I haven't been able to find any issues that my mods are causing. As far as I know my load order is correct, and I don't have anything enabled that should impact the startup.


My system specs:
- Intel i7 8th Gen

- NVIDIA GeForce 2060 RTX

- 16GB RAM


As I said, I am not expecting a perfect solution to it, but if anyone has any advice on what to do that I haven't done yet, anything will be appreciated!!

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I have an update: I tried to re-install the game and launch it through Steam like normal and it is doing the same exact thing as it was. I tried verifying game files, tried making sure everything was intact AND even made sure my anti-virus was turned off. I'm about to lose all hope.

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Screen turning to black and crashing (Before Getting to the Main Options - ie New Game, Continue etc etc) is caused by 2 very particular situations


1. missing or disabled mod requirement (a mod requires another mod that is not present or disabled) <-- check the plugin section of NMM, and look for any plugin marked in red, this will be the indication of a mod requiring another mod that is not present or disabled. <-- this will be especially applicable if Fallout4.ESM is disabled or missing, as every single mod (ESP or ESM or ESL) and DLC require it, this can also apply if a any of your mods require any of the DLC but the Required DLC is not Present or Enabled.


2. outdated F4SE plugin(s). or simply incorrect version of F4SE (ie you have an older version of F4SE, but a new version of the Plugin made for the latest version of F4SE)


check to make sure all F4SE plugins match the current version of F4SE that you are using (if they are not, then you will either need to download the latest version of the plugin, or the Latest version of F4SE if the plugin is updated but the version of F4SE is not the Latest). also Ensure you have the Latest Version of F4SE


Note: F4SE needs to be updated every time Fallout 4 on pc is updated.


Note: you can check what version of F4SE you have by simply looking at the DLL file that is included with it, the dll name is the version of F4SE (or the very name of the 7z archive)


Note: for the second possible cause, this will be ovious if this is the case, as F4SE will notify you upon launching game, an incorrect version error popup box will appear almost immediatly upon launching f4se, that popup box will notify what mods are incorrect version. <-- if this is not applicable in your case, then see situation 1



If neither of the situations mentioned above are applicable to you, then can you give us you mod list, so we can see if their are any potential Conflict(s)

Edited by G4M3W1NN3R
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