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Helping Bigtown


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Hi, I'm Stupid. I did something I've never done before in a Fallout 3 game, told Red that I would kill the supermutants for them. There were four of them, but two at a time. Throwing grenades. I had to give Red back 100 caps of the reward to mend my crippled, one-foot-in-the-grave self. The topic dialogue choice read similar to this: "I'll take care of the supermutants. They should leave you alone after that."


...should leave you alone after that.


...leave you alone after that.


Is this arrangement officially honored by the game? Does choosing this route prevent supermutants from spawning and attacking Bigtown again? Or did I do more harm than good by denying them an opportunity to harden themselves?

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Well, the Wiki does specifically say that the attacks cease after the LW teaches the inhabitants to defend themselves, which is the option I've always gone for. No mention of what happens otherwise.


Note that the battle is pretty much the same as if you were fighting the Supermutants by yourself, except some Big Town NPCs might get killed. They are brave, but stick within Big Town and don't really achieve a lot in combat.


It is also mentioned that Fast-Travelling directly there can cause enemies to spawn in the middle of the place upon arrival. Seen this happen myself at least once, so keep that in mind as well.


After dealing with Big Town's immediate problems, I usually make a personal project out of upgrading the defenses. Use reverse-pickpocketing or the Groovatron to re-equip the people with better armour and weapons - usually fixed-up stuff originally looted from Raiders, Talon Company and/or the Enclave. Give a good-quality Flamer to the Gate Guy, and a DECENT gun to Kimba (she's using a BB gun, fer crissake!). Park some Eyebots on sentry mode around the place. That sort of thing. Does me good to see these people wandering around their town in Power Armor, it really does.:)



Special warning. Do NOT do any re-equipping (via Reverse-pickpocket or Groovatron) of the Big Towners until AFTER the rescue-and-defend quest has been fully completed (arming up the two you rescue is fine, but nobody else). Doing otherwise seems to do something to settings, so that offering to teach the Big Towners how to defend themselves does NOT appear as a dialogue option. The only choices you get is to either walk away or fight the bad guys single-handed. Just so you know.

Edited by 7thsealord
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Yes, in vanilla I've seen Albino Radscorps spawn in the town when I've Fast Traveled there over level 20.. and at least one of em dies every time that happens :facepalm:

I'd always reverse-p/p better armor & weps onto everyone ... and still got the option to train them in one thing or another.

That was always in vanilla though... this'll be my 1st playthrough in 'highly-modded' FO3 where I 'school em of self-defense' and I'll save before doing that this time (Thanks for the warning 7thSeaLord! :thumbsup: ).


I really love giving them all a combo of energy weps (w/ 100 rounds) & miniguns with 300 rounds each. I've even bought the ammo from Lucky Harith when I didn't have enough for everyone :sweat:

I love those Big Towners :blush:

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