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Shadows messed up.


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There is currently only one Major problem with my Skyrim. And i say major because i see it everywhere i go no matter what time of day, wheather im inside or outside, it happens. Basically anytime im near any object be it a tree, fence, horse, house, ect. My whole screen has a shadow on it with white lines shooting in all directions.




All it takes for it to appear is look to the left, right, up, down, it doesn't matter it just always appears, disappears, and then re-appears again.


To the best of my knowledge it should be a lot clearer than this. When im walking the the middle of a dirt road it's perfectly fine.




I just need help on fixing this please. If anyone needs more specifics i'll do my best to help figure this out once and for all.

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Lets see, i've never knowingly made any .ini changes, or changed any driver settings. I a few enhancer mods installed but this problem occured since i bought the game a week after it came out. But since i seemed to fix all my other problems exept this and one other, it seemed like the right time to jump on what i feel is the biggest problem for me. To answer your other questions this is what i could find (im not the best with computers)




Processor: AMD V140 Processor 2.30 GHz

Installed Memory: 2.00 GB (1.7 GB Usable)

System Type: 64-Bit Operating System

251 GB free of 298 GB

ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4200 Series



Sorry if this isn't what you asked me for.

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No, it's fine. Artifacting is the result of a computer's graphics card being overtaxed. Shadows, though, are actually rendered by the CPU in Skyrim.

Did you turn your shadows off to get that last picture? That may be the solution. However, if you want shadows of some sort, you could try playing around with the shadows settings until you find something that works for you.

With lower-end systems, (I have one of these, too, no offense intended) the challenge is to find a balance between getting the game to run smoothly and also look as nice as possible.


Even though you don't have a Geforce Card, I recommend you check out the tweaks in the Geforce Tweak guide, especially the .ini settings that deal with shadows.

Also RookieNoob's Tweak Guide discusses various tweaks and their effects on both low and high end systems.


Just a note, artifacting is often present with excessively high temperatures, which can damage or kill your hardware. It's not just a cosmetic thing.

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Thank you i'll look at all your solutions, and on the second picture i didnt turn anything off all i did was move the left joystick (im using a controller now) and it goes away, but if i were to walk under the bridge i would get the same thing as the first picture. But i definetly agree with the run smoothly and looking the part also, I actually dont really lag much as i use to after downloading a new ENB and some other enhancers. Sorry im jumping all over the place in this message but i do notice an increase in my laptops heat, it is definetly very hot on the bottom it didnt always do this. Thank you for your time, if you have any other tips or solutions id be glad to hear them.



Edit: And no offense taken on the lower end machine part, i bought this laptop after basic training so i could skype chat with people back home, but i dont have money right now for a new one, so i try to make the best out of what i do have.

Edited by Tim_lastra
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Edit: And no offense taken on the lower end machine part, i bought this laptop after basic training so i could skype chat with people back home, but i dont have money right now for a new one, so i try to make the best out of what i do have.


Yeah, I just figure part of the game is squeezing as much as possible out of my old GPU...:biggrin: Let me know how it goes, if you get stuck anywhere I'll be happy to try to help.

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