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Odd forehead glare on Better Females by Bella


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Since buddah closed down the official comments thread for the mod, disabling anyone from posting in it, I guess I'll just post this here.


I've noticed a strange glare in the middle of the forehead caused by the better females mod by bella. I'll upload some pictures of what I'm talking about.


It will only happen when I activate bella's mod, so I know it's causing it.


Any suggestions? Anybody know what might be causing this, or maybe a possible fix for it?


Also, it's not that the glare itself is weird, it's the fact that it stops in the middle of the forehead like that. I don't want to have to get rid of the glare altogether. I just don't want it to stop like that in the middle of her forehead.






Not sure what the deal is, but this can be really noticeable in some lighting, especially in areas where there is a fire, such as an inn.

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I'm sorry, I don't have your solution; I've never seen that problem before. My guess is that you are having a conflict between your face mod and either a lighting mod or your lighting settings (driver settings, .ini settings, etc.)

Maybe try adjusting your lighting settings?

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