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True Dovahkiin Companion / You Are Not The Dragonborn


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It will come as no suprise that I don't always want to be the Dragonborn in Skyrim, i'm far from alone in that, but I also don't want to miss out on the main quest on these characters either. I just don't want to be the legendary hero.


But I wouldn't mind being his companion.


I'll copy someone elses post of the mater, as they make the point much better than I...


"First, my apologies if this concept has ever been suggested here - I did a search but found nothing that was quite the same. I'll also saying that I'm posting this as an idea only because the implementation is far beyond my skill as a modder. The idea itself was inspired by players I've spoken with, who, like myself, generally don't like being the Dragonborn. Too many games have thrown you into the shoes of a prophecied hero. From a roleplaying/immersion standpoint, the pressure to do the main quest, and nothing but the main quest, is high. Also, outside of the main quest, no one cares or acknowledges you as the Dragonborn at all, which is not immersive (if fortuitous for this particular mod concept). And for me, primarily because the imagery of "the Dragonborn" from trailers and poster art (see the forum backgrounds) is so powerful that I feel awkward about playing the main quest as anyone other than a scruffy male Nord in an iron helmet who fights dragons with a sword - sometimes a shield as well - and the power of the Thu'um.


So, what if you aren't the Dragonborn at all? Instead, you're the man behind the scenes. What the Hero of Kvatch was to Martin Septim. You would meet the nameless Dragonborn in Bleak Falls Barrow, and watch him learn his first word of power. You would follow him around - only while pursuing the "main" quest - and help him obtain dragon souls and words, as well as complete the games' major objectives.


As a non-dragonborn player, the only thing you'd actually lose is the ability to use Shouts, which are hardly necessary. As a rule they generally feel either useless or "cheap" anyway, in my opinion. But instead you gain a blank slate. Freedom from what being the mighty Dragonborn should mean about who you are and what you should be doing within the world of Skyrim.


I've tried to consider the plausibility of this from the standpoint of quest editing and dialogue. It seems like it should be possible to make most of the dialogue that's normally directed at the PC relevant to the main quest play automatically while the Dragonborn NPC stands around listening and you hang around the other side of the room. Killing dragons without the Dragonborn around might be a bit hard to reconcile with lore (and with dragon death animations) so I also had it in my head that if you encountered a dragon, the Dragonborn should soon fortuitously appear to help you kill it and take its' soul afterwards. I'm sure there would be some sticking points but I imagine some of the very competent modders out there could make this work functionally.


What I'm not really sure of is whether there would be interest enough on the part of mod-makers and users to make it happen. What do you all think? Anyone out there who thinks this would be worth doing, possible, and within your ability?


I would love to hear any thoughts anyone may have on this in concept. Share your enthusiasm if you like it! The more comments this generates the more likely it is to get attention from someone who may be willing and able to take it up as a project."


Now, i'm not requesting anything quite as indepth as that, though if someone is up for attempting it, it would be utterly awesome.


No, i'd be happy with a companion that looks like the trailer/poster Dovahkiin who functions as an essential companion, and the most important part - who absorbs souls like the PC, at least visually, and you do not. If thats even possible. Maybe also having it be that dragons don't melt unless he is with you, and simply go unconcious or something, via script or effect.


Perhaps a trigger that makes him the one to mount up a certain something to head off to the final dungeon.


I'm quite happy to ignore that I have the shouts and souls, as thats where roleplay comes in. But ti would be nice to have visuals that match with what i'm roleplaying.

Edited by Alixen
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