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Fixing Lonesome Road reputation checks


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It seems to be well known that Ulysses' reputation checks in Lonesome Road are borked and will always return NCR as the preferred faction. I decided to try if it would help to change the check from reputation thresholds to reputation values themselves, with appropriate multipliers so they can be compared directly. So, I changed part of the script from this:



Set nNCRRep to GetReputationThreshold RepNVNCR 1;
Set nLegionRep to GetReputationThreshold RepNVCaesarsLegion 1;
Set nHouseRep to GetReputationThreshold RepNVTheStrip 1;


to this:


Set nNCRRep to (((GetReputation RepNVNCR 1)*2.5)-((GetReputation RepNVNCR 0)*2.5));
Set nLegionRep to (((GetReputation RepNVCaesarsLegion 1)*2)-((GetReputation RepNVCaesarsLegion 0)*2));
Set nHouseRep to (((GetReputation RepNVTheStrip 1)*5)-((GetReputation RepNVTheStrip 0)*5));


Since this can return half points for NCR, I declared the variables as floats. For the comparisons between faction reputations, I changed (nNCRRep > 1) to (nNCRRep > 30) and so on. I tested this myself, and it seems to be functioning properly.


So, my biggest question right now is, is there any downside to doing it like this? This seems so obvious to me that it puzzles me no one seems to have done this before from what I could find.

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