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Skyrim Water files


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I was happily enjoying the Purewaters mod without any problems, but i recently installed a mod which increased the quality of the LOD waterfalls and my game had problems straight away. Some sort of conflicting occurred with the mod or something, the lake near Riverwood was displaying the vanilla water textures yet the rest of Skyrim had the modded content, this changes when fast traveling as well so it can come and go. I also had a old problem i had with missing mountain textures which was fixed by a new clean save but even that wouldn't make either problem go away, i also tried installing WATER but the samething happened.


So basically i was wondering if someone could give me a list of the vanilla water files in the game so i know if i have any missing files or if mod files are still in effect (The Purewaters mod uses a BSA so no files are overwritten when installing.)

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I may be wrong but I am fairly sure a vanilla installation has no loose water textures in texture folder - all vanilla files are tucked away in the tex BSA.



There is a very good LOD normal map replacer here which specifically fixes the shoddy Distant LOD for Castle Volkihar if you have DG and HRes Tex DLC - and makes improves more landscape features visible from a distance.Plays well with WATER (overwrite the lod file from WATER) and seems to have nearly stopped the Z-fighting flicker I was getting on distant mountains.

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