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Curie - Mismatched face / body textures


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it looks like curie is not using the CBBE body (and or CBBE Skin Textures, which would cause a conflict if she is using vanilla skin textures and equipping CBBE based clothing/armor and or skin textures), but the clothing you equipped her with is for CBBE, this can cause texture mismatch


Notice the body is using CBBE textures (which could very well be because you equipped the CBBE Clothing)


so i am going to either assume, you are using a unique player mod, where only your character uses a custom body (and lisewise opted for CBBE clothing mods, but all NPC are either using Vanilla body, or another body type that is not CBBE), or you do not have CBBE, but downloaded the CBBE version of said outfit.


if the outfit includes the CBBE reference body (which this outfit most likely does) it will override the vanilla body, as such, if curie is using the vanilla body and you equip the clothing that includes the reference body, this will no doubt cause issues, as such i believe the texture mismatch is caused by this scenario (because a conflict between vanilla skin texture and CBBE skin texture, which will be included if a reference body is present).


Note: all of the above assumes that Curie is only having texture mismatch when you equip said outfit.


however if she has this texture mismatch regardless, then their can be a number of things that can cause texture mismatch, it 1 of them being the likely cause of texture resolution mismatch, where for example you attempt to apply tattoos of low quality on a high resolution skin texture for example.


if that above does not apply, can you list your full mod list (preferably load order), so we can see if their may be any potential conflicts.

Edited by G4M3W1NN3R
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Well, should be cbbe for everyone. I use the never nude and if I strip a corpse they have undies. Hmm. I just listed my mods in another post I posted last night.




At work on break atm or I would have just copied the mods over. >.<

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hmm, cant see any potential conflicts


out of curiosity, what happens if you equip said outfit, does your character get the same texture mismatch, also try equipping said outfit to any other female npc, to see if they also get the texture mismatch. just so i know if this is not exclusive to curie, of course after you finished work.

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