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Stop followers redrawing weapons on spell change


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Hey gang.


I'm looking for a mod that will stop my bodyguard sheathing and then drawing his weapon every time I change to a different spell or weapon. As a conjuration/alteration/fighter when I'm about to go into combat I summon a sword, then an atronach appropriate to the situation, use a magical armour spell and then equip a shield. With every key press I can here a cacophony of clashing steel behind me and it's really starting to grate.


Maybe you could do it so that they only draw their weapons when there are enemies nearby. Or there could be some kind of script that makes them wait a few seconds after you've sheathed your weapon before they sheath theirs to be sure you're not just switching out.


Hopefully this mod already exists but I haven't the foggiest what to search for.


Thanks for reading.


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Thanks Mujuro that's just what I was looking for!


I found this in the EFF mod description:

"fAIDistanceTeammateDrawWeapon - 0 (L) - Turns off Drawing Weapons when you do"

so I've made a little separate esp with just that change in it.

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